16:45 |
T 94.1 |
Gated mode operation of large DEPFET pixel modules for the Belle II Pixel Detector — •Felix Müller, Christian Kiesling, Philipp Philipp, Hans-Günther Moser, Ladislav Andricek, Christian Koffmane, Jelena Ninkovic, Rainer Richter, and Andreas Wassatsch for the Belle II collaboration
17:00 |
T 94.2 |
Charge calibration for the read-out chip of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer — Joern Grosse-Knetter, Arnulf Quadt, and •Paolo Sabatini
17:15 |
T 94.3 |
Charakterisierung finaler Demonstrationsmodule für den Belle II-Pixelvertexdetektor — Jochen Dingfelder, Leonard Germic, Hans Krüger, •Barbara Leibrock, Florian Lütticke, Carlos Marinas, Botho Paschen und Norbert Wermes für die Belle II Kollaboration
17:30 |
T 94.4 |
Pixel Readout Chip for ATLAS HL-LHC Hybrid Pixels in 65nm CMOS Technology — Tomasz Hemperek, Tetsuichi Kishishita, Hans Krüger, •Piotr Rymaszewski, Marco Vogt, Tianyang Wang, and Norbert Wermes
17:45 |
T 94.5 |
FE65-P2: A prototype pixel readout chip in 65nm technology for HL-LHC upgrades — Rebecca Carney, Markus Cristinziani, Mauricio Garcia-Sciveres, Dario Gnani, •Carlo Alberto Gottardo, Timon Heim, Tomasz Hemperek, Lashkar Kashif, Hans Krüger, Abderrezak Mekkaoui, Veronica Wallagen, and Norbert Wermes
18:00 |
T 94.6 |
65 nm Pixel Readout-Chip Verification and Characterization Environment for the High-Luminosity Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector within the RD53 Collaboration — Viacheslav Filimonov, Tomasz Hemperek, Fabian Hügging, Jens Janssen, Hans Krüger, David-Leon Pohl, Piotr Rymaszewski, •Marco Vogt, Jochen Dingfelder, and Norbert Wermes
18:15 |
T 94.7 |
Characterization of readout circuitry in a demonstrator chip of depleted CMOS active sensors — •Toko Hirono, Tomasz Hemperek, Fabian Hügging, Piotr Rymaszewski, Tianyang Wang, and Norbert Wermes
18:30 |
T 94.8 |
A Thin Silicon Pixel Tracker for the Mu3e Experiment — •Adrian Herkert for the Mu3e collaboration
18:50 |
T 94.9 |
Readout of the Mu3e pixel detector — •Sebastian Dittmeier for the Mu3e collaboration