Berlin 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 32: Anomalous Diffusion (joint session DY/BP)
Donnerstag, 15. März 2018, 10:00–13:15, BH-N 334
10:00 |
BP 32.1 |
Frequency-dependent Hydrodynamic Interaction Between Two Nanocolloids — •Gerhard Jung and Friederike Schmid
10:15 |
BP 32.2 |
Anomalous Diffusion in Complex Dynamical Systems: Diffusing Diffusivity Models — •Rohit Jain and Kizhakeyil L Sebastian
10:30 |
BP 32.3 |
First-passage properties of Gaussian interfaces — •Markus Gross
10:45 |
BP 32.4 |
Sinai type diffusion in Gaussian random potentials with decaying spatial correlations — •Igor Goychuk, Vasyl O. Kharchenko, and Ralf Metzler
11:00 |
BP 32.5 |
Random diffusivity from stochastic equations: two models in comparison for Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion. — •Vittoria Sposini, Aleksei V. Chechkin, Flavio Seno, Gianni Pagnini, and Ralf Metzler
11:15 |
BP 32.6 |
Infinite invariant densities in intermittent systems — •Philipp Meyer, Eli Barkai, and Holger Kantz
11:30 |
15 min. break
11:45 |
BP 32.7 |
Tempered dynamics from fractional Brownian motion and generalized Langevin equation: Application to lipid molecule diffusion — •Trifce Sandev, Daniel Molina-Garcia, Gianni Pagnini, Aleksei Chechkin, and Ralf Metzler
12:00 |
BP 32.8 |
Kinetics of an enzymatic reaction under anomalous diffusion - A case study — •Daniela Froemberg and Felix Höfling
12:15 |
BP 32.9 |
Obstructed Motion -- from frozen to mobile obstacles — Christoph Zunke, René Hermann, Manuel A. Escobedo-Sanchez, Jörg Bewerunge, •Florian Platten, and Stefan U. Egelhaaf
12:30 |
BP 32.10 |
Scaled Brownian motion with resetting — •Anna Bodrova, Alexei Chechkin, and Igor Sokolov
12:45 |
BP 32.11 |
Self-trapping self-repelling random walks — •Peter Grassberger
13:00 |
BP 32.12 |
Non-Gaussian Brownian and viscoelastic diffusion — •Ralf Metzler