Berlin 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 1: Layer Properties: Electronic, Optical and Mechanical
Montag, 12. März 2018, 09:30–11:30, H 0111
09:30 |
DS 1.1 |
Tuning the probability of defect formation via substrate strains in Sr2FeMoO6 films — Waheed A. Adeagbo, •Martin Hoffmann, Arthur Ernst, Wolfram Hergert, Minnamari Saloaro, and Petriina Paturi
09:45 |
DS 1.2 |
Disorder Control in Crystalline GeSb2Te4 and its Impact on Characteristic Length Scales — •Matthias M. Dück, Tobias Schäfer, Marc Pohlmann, Carl-Friedrich Schön, Hannah Niehaus, and Matthias Wuttig
10:00 |
DS 1.3 |
2D protective films for lithium and sodium metal anodes — Hongzhen Tian, Zhi W. Seh, Kai Yan, Zhongheng Fu, Peng Tang, Yingying Lu, Ruifeng Zhang, •Dominik Legut, Yi Cui, and Qianfan Zhang
10:15 |
DS 1.4 |
The contribution has been moved to DS 18.6a.
10:30 |
DS 1.5 |
Quantitative AM-FM Mode for Fast, Versatile Imaging of Nanoscale Elastic Modulus — •Florian Johann, Roger Proksch, Marta Kocun, and Ted Limpoco
10:45 |
DS 1.6 |
Layer specific observation of the slow thermal equilibration in ultrathin metallicnanolayers by femtosecond x-ray diffraction — Jan-Etienne Pudell, Alexey Maznev, Marc Herzog, Matthias Kronseder, Christian Back, Gregory Malinowski, •Alexander von Reppert, and Matias Bargheer
11:00 |
DS 1.7 |
Revealing Charge Redistribution at Hybrid Interfaces by DRS — •Tino Meisel, Marcel Gawek, Mino Sparenberg, Sergey Sadofev, Oliver Benson, Emil J. W. List-Kratochvil, and Sylke Blumstengel
11:15 |
DS 1.8 |
Non-degenerate valleys in transition metal layered WS2 — Omar Messaoudi, •Julen Ibañez-Azpiroz, and Samir Lounis