Berlin 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 9: Statistical Physics far from Thermal Equilibrium
Montag, 12. März 2018, 10:00–13:30, BH-N 334
10:00 |
DY 9.1 |
An electronic Maxwell demon in the coherent strong-coupling regime — •Gernot Schaller, Javier Cerrillo, Geort Engelhardt, and Philipp Strasberg
10:15 |
DY 9.2 |
Qubit absorption refrigerator at strong coupling — Anqui Mu, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla, •Gernot Schaller, and Dvira Segal
10:30 |
DY 9.3 |
Energy efficient quantum machines — •Obinna Abah and Eric Lutz
10:45 |
DY 9.4 |
Diverging, but negligible power at Carnot efficiency: theory and experiment — •Viktor Holubec and Artem Ryabov
11:00 |
DY 9.5 |
Quantum heat engines and laser cooling: A study beyond the weak coupling and Markovian approximations — •Sebastian Restrepo, Javier Cerrillo, Philipp Strasberg, and Gernot Schaller
11:15 |
DY 9.6 |
Singularity in large deviations of work in quantum quenches — •Pietro Rotondo, Jiri Minar, Igor Lesanovsky, Juan P. Garrahan, and Matteo Marcuzzi
11:30 |
DY 9.7 |
Correlational latent heat by nonlocal quantum kinetic theory — •Klaus Morawetz
11:45 |
15 min. break
12:00 |
DY 9.8 |
Thermodynamic signatures of shear-induced transitions in confined colloidal suspensions in shear flow — •Sascha Gerloff and Sabine H. L. Klapp
12:15 |
DY 9.9 |
Oscillating Modes of Driven Colloids in Overdamped Systems — •Johannes Berner, Boris Müller, Juan Ruben Gomez-Solano, Matthias Krüger, and Clemens Bechinger
12:30 |
DY 9.10 |
On the generalized generalized Langevin equation : a non-stationary approach of the Mori-Zwanzig formalism — •Hugues Meyer, Thomas Voigtmann, and Tanja Schilling
12:45 |
DY 9.11 |
Investigating the Reaction Dynamics for a Thermally Coupled System with a Rank-1 Saddle Potential — •Robin Bardakcioglu, Philippe Schraft, Johannes Reiff, Martin Tschöpe, Matthias Feldmaier, Jörg Main, and Günter Wunner
13:00 |
DY 9.12 |
Localized Deposition - Controlling cluster growth far from thermal equilibrium — •Thomas Martynec, Benedikt Hartung, and Sabine H.L. Klapp
13:15 |
DY 9.13 |
Effective thermodynamics for a marginal observer — •Matteo Polettini and Massimiliano Esposito