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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 15: Focussed Session: Geometry- and Topology-Controlled Nanoarchitectures I
HL 15.4: Vortrag
Dienstag, 13. März 2018, 10:15–10:30, EW 015
Microwave-stimulated superconductivity in Nb thin films — •Oleksandr V. Dobrovolskiy1,2, Roland Sachser1, Michael Huth1, Antonio Lara3, Farkhad G. Aliev3, Valerij A. Shklovskij2, Alexei I. Bezuglyj2,4, and Ruslan V. Vovk2 — 1Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany — 2V. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine — 3Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain — 4National Science Center – KIPT, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Stimulation of superconductivity due to the presence of vortices by a microwave (mw) excitation has been recently seen in increase of Tc and Hc2 in type II superconducting thin films. Here we report on a mw-induced enhancement of the maximal mixed-state dc critical current of epitaxial Nb films. The mw-stimulated flux flow is expanded up to 10% larger dc current densities and vortex velocities v∗ than in the absence of mw stimulus. Here j∗ and v∗ correspond to an abrupt transition of the sample into the normal state because of the Larkin-Ovchinnikov (LO) instability. We have performed simulations of the time-dependent Ginzburg Landau (TDGL) equation, which reveal similar results to the ones observed in the experiments. These can be interpreted as a result of massless response of vortices to an external excitation, or as mw-stimulated superconductivity as vortices approach the critical velocity. We furthermore argue that the observed mw-induced enhancement of j∗ and v∗ can result in a competition between the mw-induced cooling and the dc-induced heating of quasiparticles in the vortex cores.