Berlin 2018 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 3: Ultrafast Electron and spin dynamics at interfaces I
O 3.8: Talk
Monday, March 12, 2018, 12:15–12:30, MA 005
Femtosecond momentum- and energy resolved electron thermalization dynamics in Cu(100) single crystal studied by time-resolved ARPES — •S. Y. Agustsson1, D. Vasilyev1, D. Kutnyakhov2, K. Medjanik1, S. Babenkov1, S. Dziarzhytski2, H. Redlin2, D. Curcio3, F. Pressacco4, C. Tusche5,6, Y. Chen5,6, K. Bühlmann7, Y. Acremann7, W. Wurth2,4, J. Demsar1, G. Schönhense1, and H. Elmers1 — 1Univ. Mainz — 2DESY Photon Science — 3Univ. Aarhus, Denmark — 4Univ. Hamburg, — 5FZ Jülich — 6Univ. Duisburg-Essen — 7ETH Zürich
The understanding of the photoexcited electron-electron and electron-phonon thermalization dynamics in simple metals and their relation to the inter-subsystem (electron-phonon) coupling strength presents a foundation for similar studies in advanced quantum matter. However, despite the three decades of ongoing research, the understanding is still elusive. Here, we present the first time-, energy-, and momentum resolved photoemission studies of carrier dynamics in Cu (100) single crystal. We used a time of flight momentum microscope with the FEL (FLASH at DESY) as a source (55 eV, <100 fs) to track the changes in the electronic distribution function following photoexcitation with <100 fs NIR pulses from a synced high-repetition rate Ti:Sa amplifier. We demonstrate that the intra-band photoexcitation with an s-polarized light results in changes in the electronic distribution function, which is strongly momentum-dependent. Surprisingly, the momentum anisotropy is observed throughout the electron thermalization process.