Berlin 2018 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 41: Poster: Metal Substrates - Structure, Epitaxy, Growth and Adsorption
O 41.6: Poster
Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 18:15–20:30, Poster A
One-dimensional molecular chain of Co(TAP) on Au(111) — •Cen Yin — Peking university, beijing, China
combined scanning tunneling microscopy(STM), scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), ) and tip molecular manipulation technique have employed to systematically explore on-surface properties of Co(TAP), as summarized in the following. On Au (111), the Co(TAP) molecules form two kinds of one-dimensional molecular chains. One is the bent chains that bend at the elbow points of the substrate and gradually disappear with the increase of its coverage. The other is the straight one-dimensional chains which adopt three specific surface orientations forming an obtuse angle of 120o against each other at low coverage. At high coverage, the straight molecular chains will not vanish. Variations of the assmeemblye structures with experimental conditions.On Au(111), the assembly structure is more seriously affected by temperature than by the coverage . At liquid nitrogen temperature, the Co(TAP) molecules form one-dimensional chains along the herringbone troughs eventually two-dimensional assembly structure at full coverage. On Ag (111), three co-existing assemblies the assembllies formed and are not affected by coverage and temperature. On Cu(111), the two-dimensional assembly structure appears only if the surface covrage reaches nearly full coverage.