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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 48: Poster: 2D Materials beyond Graphene: TMDCs, Silicene and Relatives
O 48.14: Poster
Dienstag, 13. März 2018, 18:15–20:30, Poster A
Li Adatoms on Single Layer Molybdenum Disulfide on Au(111) — •Asieh Yousofnejad, Timo Kubsch, Nils Krane, Gaël Reecht, Christian Lotze, and Katharina J. Franke — Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin
Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDCs) have attracted attention recently because of their interesting electronic and optical properties. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) shows a transition from an indirect band gap in bulk structure to a direct band gap in the monolayer structure. In order to obtain functional devices, tuning of the band structure is desirable. One approach to achieve this is for instance doping by alkali atoms.
Here, we grow MoS2 on Au(111) by depositing Mo and annealing in an H2S atmosphere. We then deposit Li on a sample at a temperature below 110K. We observe single Li atoms on the MoS2 islands. However, at measuring temperatures of 4K these atoms are mobile and can be easily dragged by the STM tip. Using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy we do not find evidence for a change of the band gap of MoS2, suggesting a negligible charge transfer.