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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 48: Poster: 2D Materials beyond Graphene: TMDCs, Silicene and Relatives
O 48.21: Poster
Dienstag, 13. März 2018, 18:15–20:30, Poster A
Magnetic Field Dependence of Energy Dissipation on a Topological Insulator Surface Studied by Pendulum AFM — •Dilek Yildiz1,2, Marcin Kisiel1,2, Urs Gysin1, and Ernst Meyer1 — 1Universität Basel, Department of Physics, Basel, Switzerland — 2Swiss Nanoscience Institute, Basel, Switzerland
Bodies in relative motion separated by few nanometers gap experience a tiny friction force. Although nature of non-contact friction is not fully understood yet, it can be measured by highly sensitive cantilever oscillating like a tiny pendulum over the surface. Such frictional nature on layered systems is yet another exotic playground. Topological insulators, such as Bi2Te3 present an opportunity to investigate multiple facets of non-contact friction. Although electronic properties of topological insulators have been studied extensively, frictional response of those surfaces are yet to be reported. We studied energy dissipation on Bi2Te3 surface by means of pendulum geometry AFM/STM. Energy dissipation peaks were measured few nanometers above the surface at relatively large voltages. Such dissipation peaks are observed to shift as a function of external magnetic field. Our results indicate that energy dissipation is mainly due to electrostatic friction.