
Berlin 2018 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 6: Graphene: Electronic properties, structure and substrate interaction I (joint session O/TT)

O 6.3: Vortrag

Montag, 12. März 2018, 11:00–11:15, MA 043

Giant magneto-photoelectric effect at a graphene edge — •Friedemann Queisser, Jens Sonntag, Annika Kurzmann, Martin Geller, Sascha Lang, Axel Lorke, and Ralf Schützhold — Fakultät für Physik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstrasse 1, 47057 Duisburg, Germany

Graphene is a promising material for optical or infrared absorption, as its pseudo-relativistic energy-momentum relation allows for a broad absorption bandwidth. In [1] we studied the charge separation at a graphene edge via a strong magnetic field. Motivated by the proposed mechanism, a surprisingly high magneto-photocurrent was measured in suspended graphene [2]. The observed photo-responsitivity (100 incident photons create up to 17 particle-hole pairs) strongly exceeds the predicted value. A possible mechanism to explain the large observed current is Auger-type scattering. The strong Coulomb interaction, αgraphene≫ αQED, together with the enlarged phase space at the graphene edge lead to a large probability per unit time for the secondary particle-hole pair creation. We discuss various aspects of Auger-type scattering at the graphene edge.


[1] F. Queisser and R. Schützhold Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 046601 (2013)

[2] J. Sonntag, A. Kurzmann, M. Geller, F. Queisser, A. Lorke, R. Schützhold, New. J. Phys. 19 063028 (2017)

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2018 > Berlin