18:15 |
O 82.1 |
Implementation of the Strongly Constrained and Appropriately Normed Semilocal Density Functional (SCAN) with Self Interaction Correction (SIC) — •Lenz Fiedler, Jens Kortus, Torsten Hahn, and Sebastian Schwalbe
18:15 |
O 82.2 |
Fermi-Löwdin orbital self-interaction corrected DFT for molecules — •Jakob Kraus, Sebastian Schwalbe, Torsten Hahn, and Jens Kortus
18:15 |
O 82.3 |
Force balance equation and exchange-correlation potentials in time-dependent current density functional theory(tdCDFT) — •Mary-Leena Martine Tchenkoue Djouom, Markus Penz, Michael Ruggenthaler, and Angel Rubio
18:15 |
O 82.4 |
Reliable magnetic properties for spin-crossover complexes with Fermi-Löwdin orbital self-interaction corrected DFT ? — •Julia Richter, Sebastian Schwalbe, Jens Kortus, and Torsten Hahn
18:15 |
O 82.5 |
Towards chemical accuracy of FLO-SIC — •Sebastian Schwalbe, Torsten Hahn, Simon Liebing, Kai Trepte, and Jens Kortus
18:15 |
O 82.6 |
Improvements for FLO-SIC: Electron force field (eFF) and Frozen-Core Approximation — •Sebastian Schwalbe, Simon Liebing, Kai Trepte, Torsten Hahn, and Jens Kortus
18:15 |
O 82.7 |
Ab-initio structural relaxation of molecular crystals under pressure — •Eric Pierschel, Pasquale Pavone, and Claudia Draxl
18:15 |
O 82.8 |
FLO-SIC DFT applied to pseudopotentials — •Simon Liebing, Sebastian Schwalbe, Torsten Hahn, and Jens Kortus
18:15 |
O 82.9 |
Self-energy self-consistency within density functional theory + dynamical mean field theory — •Sumanta Bhandary and Karsten Held
18:15 |
O 82.10 |
Vacancy charged defects in two-dimensional GaN: An ab-initio study — •Rafael Gonzalez-Hernandez, William Lopez-Perez, Alvaro Gonzalez-Garcia, and Maria Guadalupe Moreno Armenta
18:15 |
O 82.11 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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O 82.12 |
Density Response to a Phonon Perturbation from DFPT Using the All-Electron FLAPW Method — •Christian-Roman Gerhorst, Markus Betzinger, Gustav Bihlmayer, Daniel Aaron Klüppelberg, and Stefan Blügel
18:15 |
O 82.13 |
Calculating temperature-dependent resistivities in the KKR formalism: Implementation and application to simple metals — Carsten Eberhard Mahr, •Michael Czerner, and Christian Heiliger
18:15 |
O 82.14 |
Developing Density Functional Based Tight-Binding Methods within a Self-Consistent Field Density Functional Theory Framework — •Frederick Stein, Jens Kunstmann, and Gotthard Seifert
18:15 |
O 82.15 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.