Berlin 2018 – scientific programme
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PLV: Plenarvorträge
PLV IV: Plenary Talk
Monday, March 12, 2018, 14:00–14:45, H 0104
Fast Parametric Interactions Between Superconducting Quantum Circuits — •Raymond W Simmonds — The National Institute of Standards & Technology, Boulder, CO USA
The need to develop robust schemes for providing fast, reliable qubit-qubit interactions for logical gates is generic to all physical approaches for implementing a large-scale quantum information processor. The Advanced Microwave Photonics Group at NIST, Boulder, Colorado USA has been developing non-resonant, parametrically induced coupled interactions between transmon-based superconducting quantum bits for providing fast, high fidelity gate operations. We use a flux-biased direct-current Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (dc-SQUID) to generate tunable interactions between transmon qubits. By modulating the flux to the dc-SQUID, we can create variable coupling rates from zero to greater than 100 MHz. Parametric coupling is important for constructing larger coupled systems, also useful for producing quantum simulators. In addition, our Group has been developing quantum-limited parametric amplifiers that use a nonreciprocal network for qubit readout. Our amplifiers have been designed to eliminate the back-action caused by noise in the amplification chain and to increase measurement efficiency by retaining most of the information carrying microwave photons. The coupling between our circuit components within the measurement network is controlled through tunable parametric interactions, in a similar way to the techniques used for coupling qubits.