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SOE: Fachverband Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme
SOE 24: The Physics of Power-Grids – Fluctuations, Synchronization and Network Structures (joint session DY/SOE)
SOE 24.6: Vortrag
Freitag, 16. März 2018, 11:30–11:45, EB 107
Modelling and Suppressing power output fluctuations of photovoltaic power plants — •Mehrnaz Anvari1, Benjamin Werther2, Gerald Lohmann3, Matthias Waechter3, Joachim Peinke3, and Hans-Peter Beck2 — 1MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany — 2TU Clausthal, Germany — 3Institute of Physics and ForWind, Oldenburg, Germany
The use of solar photovoltaic (PV) power has recently increased in electric distribution grids. By the end of 2014, for example, PV power had already reached a total installed capacity of over 178 GW worldwide, which is expected to increase to between 396 and 540 GW by 2019. However, the stochastic properties of solar energy, such as intermittency can negatively affect power quality and cause grid instabilities, especially in microgrids. In this study, we use high resolution (i.e. 1 Hz) measured irradiance data in Hawaii (as an exemplary data) to study the stochastic behaviour of short-term PV fluctuations, and classify its states as cloudy, sunny and flickering. Our main aim is the construction of a simple dynamical equation (jump-diffusion stochastic equation) that governs the stochastic process of PV-fluctuations, so that the statistics of the modelled time series are identical to those of the measured ones. Using the obtained dynamical equation, we generate new synthetic data sets with varying jump rates. Finally, we implement a straightforward filtering method, i.e. a combination of an inverter and a battery storage system to show the applicability of our proposed stochastic method.