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SOE: Fachverband Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme
SOE 7: Poster
SOE 7.18: Poster
Monday, March 12, 2018, 17:00–20:00, Poster E
Opinion Dynamics: Modeling Social Influence as a Coordination Game. — •Michael Schnabel and Daniel Diermeier — University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
We explore the dynamics of binary opinions in a large population of agents that are interacting in an all-to-all fashion and can be described by a mean field model. Individual agents update their opinions by interacting with each other assuming a tendency to align their opinion with that of their partners. The likelihood of an agent to keep or switch its opinion depends on the current state of the system and is described by a rate function that can vary in shape but has to satisfy certain symmetry constraints. Insights about the properties of the system, such as the emergence of collective order (e.g. group-think) are obtained from the diffusion approximation and by calculating the equilibrium distribution of opinions for a representative set of rate functions. From a game theory perspective this type of dynamics is equivalent to a coordination game involving two or more players. We show how to map a given rate function into the corresponding game form and vice versa.