15:00 |
TT 64.1 |
Electronically highly cubic conditions for Ru in α-RuCl3 — •Stefano Agrestini, Chang-Yang Kuo, Kyung-Tae Ko, Zhiwei Hu, Deepa Kasinathan, Hari Babu Vasili, Javier Herrero-Martin, Manuel Valvidares, Eric Pellegrin, Anne Henschel, Marcus Schmidt, Ling-Yun Jang, Arata Tanaka, and Liu Hao Tjeng
15:15 |
TT 64.2 |
High pressure magnetization measurements in α-RuCl3 — •Gaël Bastien, Randirley Beltrán Rodríguez, Paula Lampen Kelley, Steven Nagler, Ravi Yadav, Liviu Hozoi, Jeroen Van den Brink, Anja U B Wolter, and Bernd Büchner
15:30 |
TT 64.3 |
Pressure induced structural phase transition and dimer formation in α-RuCl3 — •Maximilian Kusch, Quirin Stahl, Theo Woike, Gaston Garbarino, Francisco Javier Martinez, Mohamed Mezouar, Lisa Leissner, Kwang-Yong Choi, and Jochen Geck
15:45 |
TT 64.4 |
Ultrafast relaxation dynamics in a Kitaev spin-liquid candidate α-RuCl3 — •Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Vladimir Grigorev, Tao Dong, Nanlin Wang, and Jure Demsar
16:00 |
TT 64.5 |
Microwave absorption studies on the Kitaev-Heisenberg material α-RuCl3 — •Christoph Wellm, Julian Zeisner, Alexey Alfonsov, Anja Wolter, Maria Roslova, Anna Isaeva, Thomas Doert, Matthias Vojta, Bernd Büchner, and Vladislav Kataev
16:15 |
TT 64.6 |
Thermal Hall effect in α-RuCl3 — •Richard Hentrich, Bernd Büchner, Maria Roslova, Anna Isaeva, Thomas Doert, and Christian Hess
16:30 |
15 min. break.
16:45 |
TT 64.7 |
Magnetic excitations and lattice dynamics in the s=1/2 pseudo-kagome system Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2(Br,Cl) — Vladimir Gnezdilov, Dirk Wulferding, •Peter Lemmens, Vladimir Kurnosov, Yurii Pashkevich, Peter Berdonosov, and Alexander Vasiliev
17:00 |
TT 64.8 |
High magnetic field study of the frustrated quantum magnet atacamite — •Stefan Süllow, Leonie Heinze, Marcelo Jaime, Xiaxin Ding, Vivian Zapf, Anja U.B. Wolter, and Kirrily C. Rule
17:15 |
TT 64.9 |
Neutron diffraction, muon spin rotation and Raman scattering investigation of the multiferroic antiferromagnetic quantum spin chain system CuCrO4 — J. M. Law, V. Pomjakushin, G. Pascua, H. Luetkens, Th. Hansen, R. Glaum, A. Schulz, J. Wosnitza, and •R. K. Kremer
17:30 |
TT 64.10 |
Thermodynamic investigations of the anisotropic triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet Cs2CuCl4−xBrx — •Ulrich Tutsch, Oleksandr Tsyplyatyev, Lars Postulka, Markus Kuhnt, Bernd Wolf, Natalija van Well, Franz Ritter, Cornelius Krellner, Burkhard Schmidt, Peter Kopietz, and Michael Lang
17:45 |
TT 64.11 |
Magnetic and magneto-elastic couplings in Cs2CuCl4−xBrx with x = 0, 1, 2. — •Bernd Wolf, Satya Krishna Thallapaka, Elena Gati, Lars Postulka, Franz Ritter, Cornelius Krellner, and Michael Lang
18:00 |
TT 64.12 |
Anomalous Hall effect in frustrated antiferromagnet HoAgGe — •Kan Zhao and Philipp Gegenwart