15:00 |
TT 66.1 |
Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in uniaxial antiferromagnet/Pt heterostructures — •Richard Schlitz, Tobias Kosub, Andy Thomas, Kornelius Nielsch, Denys Makarov, and Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein
15:15 |
TT 66.2 |
Current induced Nèel vector manipulation in Mn2Au and associated giant anisotropic magnetoresistance — •Bodnar Stanislav, Šmejkal Libor, Gomonay Olena, Sinova Jairo, Sapozhnik Alexey, Elmers Hans-Joachim, Kläui Mathias, Filianina Mariia, and Jourdan Martin
15:30 |
TT 66.3 |
Granularity Effects in Antiferromagnetic Spintronics Devices — •Tobias Kosub, Patrick Appel, Brendan Shields, Patrick Maletinsky, René Hübner, Jürgen Lindner, Jürgen Fassbender, and Denys Makarov
15:45 |
TT 66.4 |
Defect induced magnetism --- A framework for all-semiconductor spintronics — •Lukas Botsch, Israel Lorite, Yogesh Kumar, Pablo Esquinazi, Tom Michalsky, Joachim Zajadacz, and Klaus Zimmer
16:00 |
TT 66.5 |
p-type co-doping effect in III-Mn-V dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors — •Chi Xu, Ye Yuan, Mao Wang, Roman Böttger, Manfred Helm, and Shengqiang Zhou
16:15 |
TT 66.6 |
Dynamics of Mn Local Moments in Metallic and Semiconducting Pnictides — M. A. Surmach, P. Y. Portnichenko, Z. Deng, C. Q. Lin, J. K. Glasbrenner, I. I. Mazin, D. L. Sun, Y. Liu, C. T. Lin, A. Ivanov, J. T. Park, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, and •D. S. Inosov
16:30 |
TT 66.7 |
Quasiclassical theory of the Rashba-Edelstein magnetoresistance — •Sebastian Tölle, Michael Dzierzawa, Ulrich Eckern, and Cosimo Gorini
16:45 |
TT 66.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.