Berlin 2018 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 66: Spintronics (joint session MA/TT)
TT 66.7: Talk
Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 16:30–16:45, EB 202
Quasiclassical theory of the Rashba-Edelstein magnetoresistance — •Sebastian Tölle1, Michael Dzierzawa1, Ulrich Eckern1, and Cosimo Gorini2 — 1Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany — 2Faculty of Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
In a recent experiment, a magnetoresistance originating from Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a metallic heterostructure has been observed [1]. We consider a 3D Rashba metal with mass anisotropy [2] attached to a ferromagnetic insulator and employ the quasiclassical approach to derive a set of coupled spin-diffusion equations. Due to the spin transfer torque, the current-induced spin polarization (Edelstein effect) acquires a characteristic dependence on the polarization direction of the ferromagnet which manifests itself as a signature in the magnetoresistance. Our theoretical results reproduce several qualitative features of the experiments. In particular, the Elliott-Yafet spin relaxation plays a major role in explaining the temperature dependence of the observed signature.
[1] H. Nakayama et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 116602 (2016);
[1] H. Nakayama et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 222406 (2017).
[2] V. Brosco and C. Grimaldi, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195164 (2017).