Bochum 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 24: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei IV
Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018, 16:30–18:30, HZO 70
16:30 |
HK 24.1 |
NeuLAND Demonstrator at SAMURAI – Neutron Detection in Experiments with Radioactive Beams — •Julian Kahlbow, Thomas Aumann, Konstanze Boretzky, Igor Gasparic, Yosuke Kondo, Stefanos Paschalis, Dominic Rossi, Fabia Schindler, Haik Simon, and Hans Törnqvist for the NeuLAND-SAMURAI collaboration
17:00 |
HK 24.2 |
Investigation of the 2n system by quasi-free α-knockout from 6He — •Marco Alexander Knösel, Thomas Aumann, Fabia Schindler, and Vadim Wagner for the NeuLAND-SAMURAI collaboration
17:15 |
HK 24.3 |
Low-energy dipole response of the halo nuclei 6,8He — •Christopher Lehr and Thomas Aumann for the NeuLAND-SAMURAI collaboration
17:30 |
HK 24.4 |
Proton Knockout Reactions from Neutron-Rich N Isotopes at R3B — •Ina Syndikus, Marina Petri, and Thomas Aumann for the R3B collaboration
17:45 |
HK 24.5 |
Lifetime Measurement of the 26O g.s. at SAMURAI — •Sonja Storck, Julian Kahlbow, Christoph Caesar, and Thomas Aumann for the NeuLAND-SAMURAI collaboration
18:00 |
HK 24.6 |
Prompt and delayed gamma-spectroscopy of neutron-rich krypton isotopes with N ≤ 60* — •Rosa-Belle Gerst, Kevin Moschner, and Andrey Blazhev
18:15 |
HK 24.7 |
Performance Test of the CALIFA Detector using the 16O(p,2p) reaction — Roman Gernhäuser, •Benjamin Heiss, Philipp Klenze, and Felix Stark for the R3B collaboration