Bochum 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 28: Instrumentation X
Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018, 16:30–18:15, HZO 90
16:30 |
HK 28.1 |
DIRC-based PID for the EIC Central Detector — •Roman Dzhygadlo, Klaus Peters, Carsten Schwarz, and Jochen Schwiening for the DIRC-at-EIC collaboration
16:45 |
HK 28.2 |
Prototype test for the PANDA Barrel DIRC — Ahmed Ali, Anastasios Belias, Roman Dzhygadlo, Andreas Gerhardt, Marvin Krebs, Dorothe Lehmann, Klaus Peters, •Georg Schepers, Carsten Schwarz, and Jochen Schwiening for the PANDA collaboration
17:00 |
HK 28.3 |
High Precision Measurements for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Radiators — •Marvin Krebs, Klaus Peters, Georg Schepers, Carsten Schwarz, and Jochen Schwiening for the PANDA collaboration
17:15 |
HK 28.4 |
Concept and design of an alignment monitoring system for the CBM RICH mirrors* — •Jordan Bendarouach for the CBM collaboration
17:30 |
HK 28.5 |
Bau einer Cosmics-Teststation für Teilchendetektoren — •Simon Bodenschatz, Michael Düren, Erik Etzelmüller, Klaus Föhl, Avetik Hayrapetyan, Kristof Kreutzfeldt, Julian Rieke, Mustafa Schmidt und Marc Strickert
17:45 |
HK 28.6 |
DIRC detector upgrade for the GlueX experiment — •Ahmed Ali, Roman Dzhygadlo, Klaus Peters, Jochen Schwiening, and Carsten Schwarz for the GlueX collaboration
18:00 |
HK 28.7 |
Di-Electron identification with the upgraded RICH detector at HADES — •Jan-Hendrik Otto for the HADES collaboration