Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 29: Precision Measurements and Metrology (Atom Interferometry) (joint session Q/A)
Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 14:00–15:30, K 2.013
14:00 |
A 29.1 |
Probing the forces of blackbody radiation and dark energy with matter waves — •Philipp Haslinger, Vitkoria Xu, Matt Jaffe, Osip Schwartz, Paul Hamilton, Benjamin Elder, Justin Khoury, Matthias Sonnleitner, Monika Ritsch-Marte, Helmut Ritsch, and Holger Müller
14:30 |
A 29.2 |
Matter waves optics with a space-borne Bose-Einstein condensate experiment — •Dennis Becker, Ernst M. Rasel, Wolfgang Ertmer, and the QUANTUS Team
14:45 |
A 29.3 |
New developments with the Gravimetric Atom Interferometer GAIN — •Bastian Leykauf, Anne Stiekel, Vladimir Schkolnik, Christian Freier, Hartmut Wziontek, Axel Rülke, Markus Krutzik, and Achim Peters
15:00 |
A 29.4 |
Large momentum transfer in a dual lattice configuration — •Matthias Gersemann, Sven Abend, Christian Schubert, Martina Gebbe, Ernst M. Rasel, and the QUANTUS team
15:15 |
A 29.5 |
The linear potential and the cubic phase — •Matthias Zimmermann, Maxim A. Efremov, Albert Roura, Wolfgang P. Schleich, Arvind Srinivasan, Jon P. Davis, Frank A. Narducci, Sam A. Werner, and Ernst M. Rasel