16:15 |
A 33.1 |
Laser spectroscopy of the 1001 nm transition in atomic dysprosium — •Lena Maske, Dominik Studer, Niels Petersen, Florian Mühlbauer, Klaus Wendt, and Patrick Windpassinger
16:15 |
A 33.2 |
Observation of the motional Stark effect in low magnetic fields — •Manuel Kaiser, Jens Grimmel, Lara Torralbo-Campo, Florian Karlewski, Nils Schopohl, and József Fortágh
16:15 |
A 33.3 |
Two-loop corrections to the bound electron g factor: contribution of light-by-light scattering — •Vincent Debierre, Bastian Sikora, Halil Cakir, Natalia S. Oreshkina, Zoltán Harman, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:15 |
A 33.4 |
Accurate theoretical lifetimes data in the prospects of high precision experiments — •Moazzam Bilal, Andrey Volotka, Randolf Beerwerth, and Stephan Fritzsche
16:15 |
A 33.5 |
Experimental setup for quantum logic inspired cooling and readout techniques for a single (anti-)proton — •Johannes Mielke, Teresa Meiners, Malte Niemann, Juan M. Cornejo, Anna-Greta Paschke, Matthias Borchert, Jonathan Morgner, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Ospelkaus
16:15 |
A 33.6 |
Molecular Beam for Quantum Logic Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Ions — •Jan C. Heip, Fabian Wolf, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:15 |
A 33.7 |
Optical quenching of metastable helium atoms via the 41P state — •Vivien Behrendt, Jonas Grzesiak, Simon Hofsäss, Frank Stienkemeier, and Katrin Dulitz
16:15 |
A 33.8 |
Extrapolation of spectral lines of highly charged technetium ions in the EUV range — Leticia Täubert, Julia I. Jäger, •Chintan Shah, Klaus Werner, and José Ramón Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.9 |
Evaluating the performance of cascaded atomic clocks — •Marius Schulte, Piet O. Schmidt, and Klemens Hammerer
16:15 |
A 33.10 |
Hyperfine structure in heavy muonic atoms — •Niklas Michel, Natalia S. Oreshkina, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:15 |
A 33.11 |
Towards Quantum Logic Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ar13+ — •Peter Micke, Steven A. King, Tobias Leopold, Lisa Schmöger, Maria Schwarz, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:15 |
A 33.12 |
The g-factor of highly charged ions — •Halil Cakir, Bastian Sikora, Vincent Debierre, Natalia S. Oreshkina, Jan S. Breidenbach, Christoph H. Keitel, and Zoltán Harman
16:15 |
A 33.13 |
The ALPHATRAP g-Factor Experiment — •Ioanna Arapoglou, Alexander Egl, Martin Höcker, Sandro Kraemer, Tim Sailer, Andreas Weigel, Robert Wolf, Sven Sturm, and Klaus Blaum
16:15 |
A 33.14 |
Electronic level structure investigations in Th+ and nuclear properties of 229mTh — •David-Marcel Meier, Johannes Thielking, Przemyslaw Glowacki, Maksim V. Okhapkin, and Ekkehard Peik
16:15 |
A 33.15 |
Towards an excition scheme for giant dipole states of Rydberg excitons in Cu2O — •Thomas Stielow, Markus Kurz, and Stefan Scheel
16:15 |
A 33.16 |
Networks of Atomic Spectra — •Julian Heiss, David Wellnitz, Armin Kekić, Sebastian Lackner, Andreas Spitz, Michael Gertz, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:15 |
A 33.17 |
On the status of experiments with hydrogen-like ions at the Heidelberg electron beam ion trap — •Hendrik Bekker and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.18 |
Analytical evaluation of energy levels for multi-electron atoms with Hartree-Fock accuracy — •Kamil D Dzikowski, Oleg D Skoromnik, Natalia S Oreshkina, and Christoph H Keitel
16:15 |
A 33.19 |
Radiation pressure on a two-level atom: an exact analytical approach — •Lionel Podlecki, Rohan Glover, John Martin, and Thierry Bastin
16:15 |
A 33.20 |
A new calibration standard for X-ray light sources — •Steffen Kühn, Sven Bernitt, Peter Micke, René Steinbrügge, and José Ramon Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.21 |
UV laser systems for sympathetic cooling of highly charged ions using 9Be+ — •Lukas Spieß, Lisa Schmöger, Julian Stark, Janko Nauta und José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.22 |
A cryogenic Paul trap experiment for long-time storage of highly-charged ions — •Julian Stark, Peter Micke, Lisa Schmöger, Janko Nauta, Steffen Kühn, Lukas Spiess, Tobias Leopold, Steven King, Piet O. Schmidt, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.23 |
Laboratory measurement of "Dark Matter" decay 3.5 keV X-ray line — •Chintan Shah, Stepan Dobrodey, Sven Bernitt, René Steinbrügge, Liyi Gu, Jelle Kaastra, and José Ramón Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.24 |
Polarization of resonanly excited X-ray line — •Chintan Shah, Pedro Amaro, René Steinbrügge, Sven Bernitt, Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, José Ramón Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov
16:15 |
A 33.25 |
Dielectronic recombination of MNN in highly charged tungsten with open f-shells — •Chintan Shah, Pedro Amaro, José Paulo Santos, and José Ramón Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.26 |
VUV spectroscopy of highly charged ruthenium ions of astrophysical interest — Julia I. Jäger, Leticia Täubert, •Chintan Shah, Lisa Loebling, Klaus Werner, and José Ramón Crespo López-Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.27 |
Integration of photonic structures and thermal atomic vapors — •Artur Skljarow, Ralf Ritter, Nico Gruhler, Wolfram H.P. Pernice, Harald Kübler, Tilman Pfau, and Robert Löw
16:15 |
A 33.28 |
Development of a HHG frequency comb for XUV metrology of Highly Charged Ions — •Janko Nauta, Alexander Ackermann, Julian Stark, Steffen Kühn, Andrii Borodin, Peter Micke, Lisa Schmöger, Thomas Pfeifer, and José Crespo López Urrutia
16:15 |
A 33.29 |
Ionenfalle mit transparenten Elektroden — •Kai Krimmel, Sebastian Wolf, Johannes Heinrich, Ron Folman, Mark Keil, Dmitry Budker und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
16:15 |
A 33.30 |
Gamma spectroscopy to measure the 229Th isomer energy using a 2-dimensional array of metallic magnetic microcalorimeters — •J. Geist, D. Hengstler, M. Krantz, R. Pons, P. Schneider, C. Schötz, S. Kempf, L. Gastaldo, A. Fleischmann, C. Enss, G.A. Kazakov, S.P. Stellmer, T. Schumm, and J. Bussmann
16:15 |
A 33.31 |
Modelling high-harmonic generation in solids beyond the single active electron — •Helena Drüeke and Dieter Bauer
16:15 |
A 33.32 |
The Electron Capture in 163Ho experiment — •Clemens Hassel and THE ECHo COLLABORATION
16:15 |
A 33.33 |
Towards High Precision Spectroscopy of µLi and µBe — •Marcel Willig, Jan Haack, Julian Krauth, Stefan Schmidt, and Randolf Pohl
16:15 |
A 33.34 |
Commissioning of a new electron beam ion source as charge breeder for rare isotope beams — •Christian Warnecke, Michael Blessenohl, Stepan Dobrodey, Karl M. Rosner, Zachary Hockenbery, Renate Hubele, Thomas Baumann, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Jens Dilling
16:15 |
A 33.35 |
Towards laser spectroscopy of atomic tritium — •Jan Haack, Julian Krauth, Stefan Schmidt, Marcel Willig, Rishi Horn, and Randolf Pohl
16:15 |
A 33.36 |
Excitation of hydrogen-like ions by twisted light: The effect of multipole mixing on the alignment of excited states — •Sabrina A.-L. Schulz, Robert A. Müller, Anton Preshkov, and Andrey Surzhykov
16:15 |
A 33.37 |
Integrated and Time-Resolved Measurements of Collisional Energy Transfer in Rubidum P-States — •Ralf Albrecht, Johannes Schmidt, Robert Löw, and Harald Kübler
16:15 |
A 33.38 |
Laserspectroscopy experiments at CRYRING@ESR — •Konstantin Mohr, Aineah Barasa, Tim Ratajzyk, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Zoran Andelkovic, Rodolfo Sanchez, Volker Hannen, Axel Buß, and Christian Weinheimer
16:15 |
A 33.39 |
Transverse free-electron target for CRYRING@ESR — •B. Michel Döhring, Carsten Brandau, Alexander Borovik Jr, Benjamin Ebinger, Christophor Kozhuharov, Tobias Molkentin, Alfred Müller, and Stefan Schippers
16:15 |
A 33.40 |
Fluorescence based measurement of nuclear polarization in atomic beams. — •Abhilash Javaji, Mark Bissell, Robert Harding, Marcus Jankowski, Magdalena Kowalska, Walter Neu, and Philipp Wagenknecht
16:15 |
A 33.41 |
Stellar Laboratories: High-precision Atomic Physics with STIS — •Conny Glaser, Thomas Rauch, and Klaus Werner
16:15 |
A 33.42 |
He buffered Laser Ablation Ion Source for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy — •Tim Ratajczyk, Victor Varentsov, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
16:15 |
A 33.43 |
Polarisation Dynamics of Many-body Systems Dynamically Polarised via the Cross Effect — •Federica Raimondi, Daniel Wisniewski, Alexander Karabanov, Walter Kockenberger, Igor Lesanovsky, and Juan Garrahan
16:15 |
A 33.44 |
A Detection System for Laser Spectroscopy Experiments at CRYRING@ESR — •Axel Buß, Volker Hannen, Christian Huhmann, Dominik Thomas, and Zoran Andelkovic