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A 41.1 |
Competing magnetic orders in the fermionic SU(3) Hubbard model with non-Abelian gauge-fields — •Mohsen Hafez-Torbati and Walter Hofstetter
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A 41.2 |
Studying ion-atom scattering in the ultracold regime with Rydberg molecules — •Nicolas Zuber, Thomas Schmid, Christian Veit, Thomas Dieterle, Christian Tomschitz, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
16:15 |
A 41.3 |
Towards non-destructive, real-time tranport measurements of interacting fermions — •Hideki Konishi, Kevin E. Roux, Barbara Cilenti, and Jean-Philippe Brantut
16:15 |
A 41.4 |
Towards a shotnoise limited optogalvanic vapor cell — •Markus Fiedler, Johannes Schmidt, Ralf Albrecht, Patrick Schalberger, Holger Baur, Robert Löw, Harald Kübler, Denis Djekic, Jens Anders, Norbert Frühauf, and Tilman Pfau
16:15 |
A 41.5 |
Simulations for anisotropic superfluidity in a Dysprosium BEC — •Michael Eisenmann, Matthias Wenzel, Fabian Bötttcher, Jan-Niklas Schmidt, Tim Langen, Igor Ferrier-Barbut, and Tilman Pfau
16:15 |
A 41.6 |
Topological properties of interacting fermions in circularly shaken hexagonal optical lattices — •Tao Qin, André Eckardt, Alexander Schnell, Christof Weitenberg, Klaus Sengstock, and Walter Hofstetter
16:15 |
A 41.7 |
Selfbound quantum droplets — •Jan-Niklas Schmidt, Matthias Wenzel, Fabian Böttcher, Michael Eisenmann, Tim Langen, Igor Ferrier-Barbut, and Tilman Pfau
16:15 |
A 41.8 |
Towards BEC-borne two-species atom interferometry in space — •Maike D. Lachmann, Baptist Piest, Dennis Becker, Wolfgang Ertmer, Ernst M. Rasel, and QUANTUS Collaboration
16:15 |
A 41.9 |
Spectroscopy of Rydberg states in ultra cold ytterbium — •Christian Halter, Apoorva Hedge, Mustafa Jumaah, Christian Sillus, Thomas Burg, and Axel Görlitz
16:15 |
A 41.10 |
Quantum synchronisation in a bistable system — •Matthew Jessop, Andrew Armour, and Weibin Li
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A 41.11 |
Coupled anharmonic oscillators in a two-dimensional ion trap array — •Philip Kiefer, Frederick Hakelberg, Sebastian Schnell, Jan-Philipp Schroeder, Mathias Wittemer, Govinda Clos, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
16:15 |
A 41.12 |
Measurements of Motional Decoherence in 2D Ion Trap Arrays — •Sebastian Schnell, Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Jan-Philipp Schroeder, Mathias Wittemer, Govinda Clos, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
16:15 |
A 41.13 |
Quantum criticality and the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in one-dimensional Bose gases — Bing Yang, Yang-yang Chen, Yong-guang Zheng, •Hui Sun, Han-ning Dai, Xi-wen Guan, Zhen-sheng Yuan, and Jian-wei Pan
16:15 |
A 41.14 |
Two- and four-body spin-exchange interactions in optical lattices — •Bing Yang, Han-Ning Dai, Andreas Reingruber, Hui Sun, Yu-Ao Chen, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, and Jian-Wei Pan
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A 41.15 |
The contribution has been moved to A 25.51.
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A 41.16 |
Rydberg atoms in frustrated optical lattices: numerical study of quantum phases emerging due to the long-range interaction — •Jaromir Panas, Andreas Geissler, Yongqiang Li, Weibin Li, and Walter Hofstetter
16:15 |
A 41.17 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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A 41.18 |
Single Rydberg Impurities immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Thomas Dieterle, Kathrin Kleinbach, Felix Engel, Carolin Dietrich, Robert Löw, Florian Meinert, and Tilman Pfau
16:15 |
A 41.19 |
Matter wave abberations in magnetic chip traps — •Srihari Srinivasan and Reinhold Walser
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A 41.20 |
Floquet state engineering in a periodically driven two-body quantum system — •Joaquín Minguzzi, Rémi Desbuquois, Michael Messer, Frederik Görg, Kilian Sandholzer, Gregor Jotzu, and Tilman Esslinger
16:15 |
A 41.21 |
Hole dynamics and bound states in a spin chain of Rydberg atoms — •Fabian Letscher, David Petrosyan, and Michael Fleischhauer
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A 41.22 |
Self-organization in an opto-magnetically coupled quantum gas — •Nishant Dogra, Manuele Landini, Lorenz Hruby, Katrin Kröger, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
16:15 |
A 41.23 |
Mean-field phase diagram of ultracold bosons inside a cavity — •Lukas Himbert, Rebecca Kraus, Shraddha Sharma, Astrid Elisa Niederle, and Giovanna Morigi
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A 41.24 |
Upgrade of the Giessen MaMFIT — Marc Keil, Stefan Schippers, •Alfred Müller, and Alexander Borovik Jr
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A 41.25 |
Optical dipole trapping in a drop tower experiment — •Marian Woltmann, Christian Vogt, Sven Herrmann, Claus Lämmerzahl, and The PRIMUS-Team
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A 41.26 |
Optical bistability in thermal Rydberg vapor — •Patrick Kaspar, Daniel Weller, Nico Sieber, Robert Löw, and Harald Kübler
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A 41.27 |
Quantum Simulation of Energy Transport with Rydberg Atoms — •Sayali Shevate, Tobias Wintermantel, Yibo Wang, and Shannon Whitlock
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A 41.28 |
Phasetransition of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical ring resonator with internal coupling — •Simon C. Schuster, Philip E. Wolf, Sebastian Slama, and Claus Zimmermann
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A 41.29 |
Autonomous thermal machine for amplification and control of energetic coherence — •Gonzalo Manzano, Ralph Silva, and Juan M. R. Parrondo
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A 41.30 |
Decoherence of Rydberg molecules — •Andrew Hunter, Alex Eisfeld, and Jan-Micheal Rost
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A 41.31 |
Quantum many-body physics under the microscope — •Simon Hollerith, Antonio Rubio Abadal, Johannes Zeiher, Jun Rui, Christian Groß, and Immanuel Bloch