Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
K 1: Optical Methods - EUV and x-ray Sources
Montag, 5. März 2018, 14:00–15:55, MB HS
14:00 |
K 1.1 |
Abklingzeit, Zufall und Information — •Rudolf Germer
14:40 |
K 1.2 |
Narrow-band hard-x-ray lasing — •Chunhai Lyu, Stefano M. Cavaletto, Zoltán Harman, and Christoph H. Keitel
14:55 |
K 1.3 |
Ptychographic Wavefront Measurement of a High Harmonic Seeded Soft X-ray Laser — •Michael Zürch, Frederik Tuitje, Tobias Helk, Julian Gautier, Fabian Tissandier, Jean Philippe Goddet, Stephane Sebban, and Christian Spielmann
15:10 |
K 1.4 |
Continuously wavelength-tunable high harmonics generation via soliton dynamics — •Francesco Tani, Michael H. Frosz, John J.C. Travers, and Philip St.J. Russell
15:25 |
K 1.5 |
Nanoscale magnetic imaging using high-harmonic radiation in the extreme-UV — •Ofer Kfir, Sergey Zayko, Christina Nolte, Murat Sivis, Marcel Möller, Birgit Hebler, Sri Sai Phani Arekapudi, Daniel Steil, Sascha Schäfer, Manfred Albrecht, Oren Cohen, Stefan Mathias, and Claus Ropers
15:40 |
K 1.6 |
Generation of microjoule pulses in the deep ultraviolet at megahertz repetition rates — •Felix Köttig, Francesco Tani, Christian Martens Biersach, John C. Travers, and Philip St.J. Russell