Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
K 2: Optical Methods - Light and Radiation Sources
Montag, 5. März 2018, 16:15–17:45, MB HS
16:15 |
K 2.1 |
Leistungsfähigkeit und Entwicklungsrichtungen moderner Bildsensoren und Kamerasysteme — •Gerhard Holst
16:45 |
K 2.2 |
Ptychographic reconstruction and characterization of optical vortices — •Frederik Tuitje, Michael Zürch, and Christian Spielmann
17:00 |
K 2.3 |
Spatio-spectral analysis of ultrashort vortex pulses by radial meta-moments — •Max Liebmann, Alexander Treffer, Martin Bock, Thomas Seiler, Thomas Elsaesser, and Ruediger Grunwald
17:15 |
K 2.4 |
PHz-wide spectral interference through coherent plasma-induced fission of higher-order solitons — •Felix Köttig, Francesco Tani, John C. Travers, and Philip St.J. Russell
17:30 |
K 2.5 |
µTRLFS: Spatially- and time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy of Eu(III) sorption on Eibenstock granite — •Konrad Molodtsov and Moritz Schmidt