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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 13: Low Pressure Plasmas - Poster
P 13.13: Poster
Dienstag, 6. März 2018, 16:15–18:15, Redoutensaal
An optically trapped microparticle as a probe — •Viktor Schneider and Holger Kersten — Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP), Kiel University
In contrast to common plasma diagnostic tools, e.g. Langmuir probes, calorimetric probes, mass spectrometers etc., the µPLASMA (microParticles in a Discharge with Laser Assisted Manipulation) experiment uses optically trapped microparticles (SiO2) as nonivasive probes. The displacement of the particle in the trap is used to measure a force while it is moving relatively to the plasma, either deeper into the sheath or towards the plasma bulk. In addition, information about the neutral gas damping of the particles is presented. Systematic measurements of the residual charges on the particle after turning off the plasma are measured, depending on the position of the particle in the plasma. Furthermore, charging of the sphere by UV radiation is investigated and discussed.