Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 21: Laser Plasmas - Poster
Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 16:15–18:15, Zelt West
16:15 |
P 21.1 |
The Hosing Instability in AWAKE — •Mathias Hüther, Allen Caldwell, and Patric Muggli
16:15 |
P 21.2 |
Studying filament instabilities in laser irradiated hydrogen targets by preplasma scanning: a PIC code approach — •João Branco, Karl Zeil, Lieselotte Obst, Ulrich Schramm, Thomas Kluge, and Michael Bussmann
16:15 |
P 21.3 |
The influence of the CEP on the electrons emitted from a laser plasma created on a solid surface — Florian Kleeschulte, •Maximilian Münzberg, and Georg Pretzler
16:15 |
P 21.4 |
QED cascades in the collision of two ultra-intense laser pulses — •Archana Sampath, Matteo Tamburini, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:15 |
P 21.5 |
Optimal conditions for laser-plasma generation of monoenergetic ion beams — •Maitreyi Sangal, Matteo Tamburini, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:15 |
P 21.6 |
Stable quasi-monoenergetic ion acceleration from the laser-driven shocks in a collisional plasma — •Shikha Bhadoria, Naveen Kumar, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:15 |
P 21.7 |
Ion acceleration from gaseous targets — Anna-Marie Schroer, Rajendra Prasad, Bastian Aurand, Stephanie Brauckmann, Mirela Cerchez, Oswald Willi, •Tatyana Liseykina, and Andrea Macchi
16:15 |
P 21.8 |
Observation of two expansion phases of a sub-10-fs laser-produced plasma on an aluminum surface — •Michael Stumpf and Georg Pretzler
16:15 |
P 21.9 |
Gamma-rays with orbital angular momentum via nonlinear Compton scattering — •Yue-Yue Chen, Jian-Xing Li, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:15 |
P 21.10 |
Propagation of high-intensity laser light in two-dimensional transient plasma photonic crystals — •Camilla Willim and Götz Lehmann