Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 11: Cold atoms III - optical lattices (joint session A/Q)
Montag, 5. März 2018, 14:00–15:30, K 0.011
14:00 |
Q 11.1 |
Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories using Wilson fermions — •Torsten V. Zache, Philipp Hauke, Fred Jendrzejewski, Florian Hebenstreit, Markus Oberthaler, and Jürgen Berges
14:15 |
Q 11.2 |
Chimera patterns in conservative systems and ultracold atoms with mediated nonlocal hopping — •Hon-Wai Lau, Jörn Davidsen, and Christoph Simon
14:30 |
Q 11.3 |
Interorbital spin exchange in a state-dependent optical lattice — •Luis Riegger, Nelson Darkwah Oppong, Moritz Höfer, Diogo Rio Fernandes, Immanuel Bloch, and Simon Fölling
14:45 |
Q 11.4 |
Observation of Feshbach resonances between alkali and closed-shell atoms — •Vincent Barbé, Alessio Ciamei, Lukas Reichsöllner, Benjamin Pasquiou, Florian Schreck, Piotr Zuchowski, and Jeremy Hutson
15:00 |
Q 11.5 |
Robust features of Bose-Hubbard eigenstates dressed by a cavity — •Jonas Mielke, Laurent de Forges de Parny, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:15 |
Q 11.6 |
Metastability and avalanche dynamics in strongly-correlated gases with long-range interactions — •Nishant Dogra, Lorenz Hruby, Manuele Landini, Katrin Kröger, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger