Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 2: Quantum Optics I
Montag, 5. März 2018, 10:30–12:30, K 0.016
10:30 |
Q 2.1 |
Ultrafast quantum optics with temporal modes — •Vahid Ansari, Markus Allgaier, John M Donohue, Matteo Santandrea, Laura Padberg, Christof Eigner, Mahnaz Doostdar, Gesche Vigh, Linda Sansoni, Georg Harder, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
11:00 |
Q 2.2 |
A Source of correlated photons for femtosecond quantum spectroscopy — •Fabiano Lever, Axel Heuer, Jan Metje, and Markus Guehr
11:15 |
Q 2.3 |
Generation of Multimode Photonic States for Quantum Metrology — •Vanessa Paulisch, Martí Perarnau Llobet, Alejandro González-Tudela, and J. Ignacio Cirac
11:30 |
Q 2.4 |
All-optically generation of tensor network states in one and higher dimensions — •Melanie Engelkemeier, Ish Dhand, Linda Sansoni, Sonja Barkhofen, Christine Silberhorn, and Martin Plenio
11:45 |
Q 2.5 |
Broadening of spatial Schmidt modes for high-gain parametric down-conversion — •Gaetano Frascella, Polina Sharapova, Angela M. Pérez, and Maria V. Chekhova
12:00 |
Q 2.6 |
Photonenkorrelationsfunktion g(2) gemessen im Licht eines Ionenpaars - bunching oder anti-bunching? — •Sebastian Wolf, Stefan Richter, Joachim von Zanthier und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
12:15 |
Q 2.7 |
Attosecond Electron Pulse Trains and Quantum State Reconstruction in Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy — Katharina E. Priebe, Christopher Rathje, •Thomas Rittmann, Sergey V. Yalunin, Thorsten Hohage, Armin Feist, Sascha Schäfer, and Claus Ropers