Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 27: Quantum Gases (Bosons) III
Montag, 5. März 2018, 16:15–17:45, K 2.020
16:15 |
Q 27.1 |
Dimensional Crossover in a Bosonic Quantum Gas — •Polina Matveeva, Denis Morath, Dominik Strassel, Axel Pelster, Imke Schneider, and Sebastian Eggert
16:30 |
Q 27.2 |
Finite size effects and scrambling at the quantum phase transition of a 1D Bose gas — •Benjamin Geiger, Quirin Hummel, Juan Diego Urbina, and Klaus Richter
16:45 |
Q 27.3 |
Multifractal properties of the ground state of the Bose-Hubbard model — •Jakob Lindinger, Andreas Buchleitner, and Alberto Rodriguez
17:00 |
Q 27.4 |
Bottom-up approach to many-body physics with ultracold atoms in adjustable lattices — •Martin Sturm, Malte Schlosser, Gerhard Birkl, and Reinhold Walser
17:15 |
Q 27.5 |
Statistically Induced Phase Transition in the Extended Anyon-Hubbard Model — •Kevin Jägering, Shijie Hu, Martin Bonkhoff, Imke Schneider, Axel Pelster, and Sebastian Eggert
17:30 |
Q 27.6 |
Current reversals and metastable states in the infinite Bose-Hubbard chain with local particle loss — •Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis and Jesko Sirker