Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 28: Cold atoms V - optical lattices (joint session A/Q)
Dienstag, 6. März 2018, 14:00–15:30, K 0.011
14:00 |
Q 28.1 |
Two- and four-body spin-exchange interactions in optical lattices — •Bing Yang, Han-ning Dai, Andreas Reingruber, Hui Sun, Yu-ao Chen, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, and Jian-Wei Pan
14:15 |
Q 28.2 |
Multimode Bose-Hubbard model for quantum dipolar gases in confined geometries — Florian Cartarius, •Rebecca Kraus, Ferdinand Tschirsich, Simone Montangero, Anna Minguzzi, and Giovanna Morigi
14:30 |
Q 28.3 |
Ground state cooling of Cs atoms in state-dependent optical lattices — •Richard Winkelmann, Gautam Ramol, Stefan Brakhane, Goel Moon, Peng Du, Max Werninghaus, Wolgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, and Andrea Alberti
14:45 |
Q 28.4 |
Coupling a finite thermal bath to a many-body localized system — •Antonio Rubio-Abadal, Jae-yoon Choi, Johannes Zeiher, Simon Hollerith, Jun Rui, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Gross
15:00 |
Q 28.5 |
Exploring the doped Fermi-Hubbard model in low dimensions — •Joannis Koepsell, Guillaume Salomon, Timon Hilker, Jayadev Vijayan, Michael Höse, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Gross
15:15 |
Q 28.6 |
Progress in the cooling of molecules using a magnetic decelerator — Yair Segev, Michael Karpov, •Martin Pitzer, Nitzan Akerman, Julia Narevicius, and Edvardas Narevicius