Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 3: Ultrashort Laser Pulses
Montag, 5. März 2018, 10:30–12:45, K 0.023
10:30 |
Q 3.1 |
Noncollinear third harmonic generation in MgO — •Dennis Mayer, Axel Heuer, and Markus Gühr
10:45 |
Q 3.2 |
Quasi-phase matched high harmonic generation in spatially structured Al plasmas — •Michael Wöstmann and Helmut Zacharias
11:00 |
Q 3.3 |
2 μm doubly resonant paramatric oscillator pumped by a thin disk ultrashort laser — •Christian Markus Dietrich, Ihar Babushkin, Laura Rust, José Andrade, and Uwe Morgner
11:15 |
Q 3.4 |
Sub-10-fs visible pulses at 1MHz repetition rate from an optical-parametric amplifier — •Sven Kleinert, Ayhan Tajalli, Bernhard Kreipe, David Zuber, José R. C. Andrade, and Uwe Morgner
11:30 |
Q 3.5 |
Attosecond electron bunch creation in optical traveling waves via ponderomotive scattering — •Norbert Schönenberger, Martin Kozák, Timo Eckstein, and Peter Hommelhoff
11:45 |
Q 3.6 |
Strong-field-driven dispersive waves in gas-filled hollow-core fibres — •David Novoa, Felix Köttig, Francesco Tani, Marco Cassataro, Mehmet C. Günendi, John C. Travers, and Philip St.J. Russell
12:00 |
Q 3.7 |
Long-Lived Index Changes Induced by Femtosecond Ionization in Ar-Filled Hollow-Core PCF — •Johannes R. Köhler, Francesco Tani, Barbara M. Trabold, Felix Köttig, Mallika I. Suresh, and Philip St.J. Russell
12:15 |
Q 3.8 |
Micro-sized synthesis of customized 3D GRadient INdex elements by femtosecond laser lithography — Neus Oliver, •Alejandro Jurado, Raphael Wittkowski, and Cornelia Denz
12:30 |
Q 3.9 |
Real time Dynamics of Femtosecond Soliton Molecules — •Georg Herink, Felix Kurtz, Claus Ropers und Daniel Solli