Q 31: Quantum Effects (QED)
Dienstag, 6. März 2018, 14:00–15:45, K 1.013
14:00 |
Q 31.1 |
Statistical and Geometrical Aspects of Atom-Surface Interaction in Dynamical Nonequilibrium — •Daniel Reiche, Francesco Intravaia, and Kurt Busch
14:15 |
Q 31.2 |
Atom-surface interactions with nonlocal materials — •Francesco Intravaia, Daniel Reiche, and Kurt Busch
14:30 |
Q 31.3 |
Tailoring Quantum Friction with Superlattice Structures — •Marty Oelschläger, Francesco Intravaia, and Kurt Busch
14:45 |
Q 31.4 |
Dispersion forces in multi-layered media — •Johannes Fiedler and Stefan Y. Buhmann
15:00 |
Q 31.5 |
Casimir Force and Torque for Nonreciprocal Media and Applications to Photonic Topoligical Insulators — •Frieder Lindel, Sebastian Fuchs, and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
15:15 |
Q 31.6 |
Plasma vs Drude modelling of the Casimir force: beyond the proximity force approximation — •Michael Hartmann, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, and Paulo A. Maia Neto
15:30 |
Q 31.7 |
A derivation of the resonance fluorescence spectrum with the resolvent-operator formalism — •Vincent Debierre and Zoltán Harman