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Q 39.1 |
Rydberg quantum optics in ultracold gases — •Nina Stiesdal, Christoph Braun, Philipp Lunt, Simon Ball, Christoph Tresp, and Sebastian Hofferberth
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Q 39.2 |
Quantum imaging with incoherently scattered light from a free-electron laser — •Raimund Schneider
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Q 39.3 |
Time multiplexed photonic quantum walks with 4D coins — •Lennart Lorz, Sonja Barkhofen, Evan Meyer-Scott, Thomas Nitsche, Václav Potocek, Igor Jex, and Christine Silberhorn
16:15 |
Q 39.4 |
Controlled optical transport of cold atoms into a hollow-core fiber — •Ronja Wirtz, Maria Langbecker, Mohammad Noaman, Wei Li, Parvez Islam, and Patrick Windpassinger
16:15 |
Q 39.5 |
Microtrap for hybrid Rb-Yb+ systems — •Abasalt Bahrami, Matthias Müller, Jannis Joger, Rene Gerritsma, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
16:15 |
Q 39.6 |
Manipulation by four-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel interference — •Alessandro Ferreri, Vahid Ansari, Polina Sharapova, Christine Silberhorn, and Torsten Meier
16:15 |
Q 39.7 |
Single Silicon-Vacancy centre with improved spectral stability in nanodiamonds — •Ou Wang, Lachlan Rogers, Andrea Filipovski, Valery Davydov, Viatcheslav Agafonov, Fedor Jelezko, and Alexander Kubanek
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Q 39.8 |
Surface-Electrode Trap to Control Levitating Nano-diamonds — •Deviprasath Palani, Oleg Orlov, Tobias Schaetz, and Ulrich Warring
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Q 39.9 |
Iterative Time Ordering for Optimal Control of Open Quantum Systems — •Lutz Marder and Christiane P. Koch
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Q 39.10 |
Enhancing superradiance at a distance through motional states — •Martin Korzeczek and Daniel Braun
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Q 39.11 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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Q 39.12 |
Gearing nanodiamonds towards quantum optical applications — •Lukas Hartung, Konstantin Fehler, Stefan Häußler, Ou Wang, Andrea B. Filipovski, Fedor Jelezko, and Alexander Kubanek
16:15 |
Q 39.13 |
SiRypY: Strongly interacting Rydberg polaritons in Ytterbium — •Simon Ball, Nina Stiesdal, Christoph Braun, Christoph Tresp, Philip Lunt, and Sebastian Hofferberth
16:15 |
Q 39.14 |
Towards practical integrated Quantum Pulse Gate devices — •Jano Gil López, Matteo Santandrea, Nicola Montaut, John Donohue, Vahid Ansari, Markus Allgaier, Harald Herrmann, Raimund Ricken, and Christine Silberhorn
16:15 |
Q 39.15 |
Temporal-mode selective purification and manipulation of multimode quantum light — Vahid Ansari, •John Matthew Donohue, Markus Allgaier, Linda Sansoni, Benjamin Brecht, Jonathan Roslund, Nicolas Treps, Georg Harder, and Christine Silberhorn
16:15 |
Q 39.16 |
Towards a near-unity-β laser — •Luis Morales-Inostroza, Xiao-Liu Chu, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
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Q 39.17 |
double transverse wavevector correlations in photon pairs generated by spdc pumped by bessel-gauss beams — verónica vicuña hernández, •josé tomás santiago, yasser jerónimo moreno, roberto ramírez alarcón, héctor cruz ramirez, alfred barry u'ren, and rocio jáuregui renaud
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Q 39.18 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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Q 39.19 |
Coherent combination of blue-green laser diodes for direct pumped Ti:Sapphire laser power scaling — •Mario Niebuhr, Axel Heuer, and Markus Gühr
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Q 39.20 |
Improved thermo-optic dispersion formulas from SPDC and nonlinear spectral magnification — •Aron Vanselow and Sven Ramelow
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Q 39.21 |
Polymer waveguide fabrication with high aspect ratio by direct laser writing — •Julian Schulz, Christina Jörg, and Georg von Freymann
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Q 39.22 |
Angular dependent polarization properties of graphene on nanostructured silicon carbide — •Tim Käseberg, Johannes Dickmann, Mattias Kruskopf, Thomas Siefke, and Stefanie Kroker
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Q 39.23 |
Direct Laser Written Polymer Waveguides for Optical Chips — •Alexander Landowski, Stefan Guckenbiehl, Marius Schönberg, Jonas Gutsche, Georg v. Freymann, and Artur Widera