Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 42: Quantum Optics and Photonics II
Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 14:00–16:00, K 0.016
14:00 |
Q 42.1 |
The Accelerator on a Chip International Program: Status and Outlook — •Joshua McNeur, Norbert Schönenberger, Ang Li, Peyman Youseffi, Johannes Illmer, Peter Hommelhoff, and The ACHIP Team
14:30 |
Q 42.2 |
Driving Transitions between States in Topological Systems — •Christina Jörg, Fabian Letscher, Christoph Dauer, Axel Pelster, Sebastian Eggert, Michael Fleischhauer, and Georg von Freymann
14:45 |
Q 42.3 |
Coupled Resonators for Topologically Stabilized Photonic Circuits — •Maik Stappers, Nico Gruhler, Robert Löw, Tilman Pfau, and Wolfram H. P. Pernice
15:00 |
Q 42.4 |
Characterization of ultra-high-Q Si3N4 micro-ring resonators with high-precision temperature control — •Paul Kaufmann, Xingchen Ji, Kevin Luke, Michal Lipson, and Sven Ramelow
15:15 |
Q 42.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:30 |
Q 42.6 |
Non-Abelian Gauge Fields in Integrated Photonic Waveguide Structures — •Mark Kremer, Lucas Teuber, Alexander Szameit, and Stefan Scheel
15:45 |
Q 42.7 |
Calculating with light - an all-optical abacus using phase-change materials — •Johannes Feldmann, Matthias Stegmaier, Nico Gruhler, Carlos Rios, Harish Bhaskaran, David Wright, and Wolfram Pernice