10:30 |
Q 4.1 |
Compact diode laser system for dual-species atom interferometry with Rb and K in space — •Oliver Anton, Klaus Döringshoff, Vladimir Schkolnik, Simon Kanthak, Benjamin Wiegand, Moritz Mihm, Ortwin Hellmig, André Wenzlawski, Patrick Windpassinger, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The MAIUS Team
10:45 |
Q 4.2 |
An optical dipole trap for dual-species atom interferometry with K and Rb in space — •Simon Kanthak, Klaus Döringshoff, Martina Gebbe, Sven Abend, Matthias Gersemann, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The MAIUS Team
11:00 |
Q 4.3 |
Compact and stable potassium laser system for dual speciesatom interferometry in microgravity — •Julia Pahl, Julien Kluge, Aline N. Dinkelaker, Christoph Grzeschik, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The QUANTUS Team
11:15 |
Q 4.4 |
Simulation of Bose-Einstein condensates in accelerated Bloch lattices towards large momentum transfer atom interferometers — •Jan-Niclas Siemss, Ernst Maria Rasel, Klemens Hammerer, and Naceur Gaaloul
11:30 |
Q 4.5 |
Light-pulse atom interferometry with ultracold thermal clouds and realistic laser pulses — •Jens Jenewein, Albert Roura, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and the QUANTUS team
11:45 |
Q 4.6 |
Controlling the directionality and the quantum-to-classical transition of a quantum walk in momentum space — •Alexander Gresch, Siamak Dadras, Caspar Groiseau, Gil S. Summy, and Sandro Wimberger
12:00 |
Q 4.7 |
Quantum Interference of Force — •Raul Corrêa, Marina F. B. Cenni, and Pablo L. Saldanha
12:15 |
Q 4.8 |
Spherical aberration correction in a scanning transmission electron microscope using a sculpted thin film — •Roy Shiloh, Roei Remez, Peng-Han Lu, Lei Jin, Yossi Lereah, Amir H. Tavabi, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, and Ady Arie