Q 8: Ultracold Plasmas and Rydberg Systems I (joint session Q/A)
Montag, 5. März 2018, 10:30–12:15, K 2.013
10:30 |
Q 8.1 |
A Photon-Photon Quantum Gate Based on Rydberg Polaritons — •Steffen Schmidt-Eberle, Daniel Tiarks, Thomas Stolz, Stephan Dürr, and Gerhard Rempe
11:00 |
Q 8.2 |
Excitation blockade in highly Stark-shifted Rydberg states — •Raphael Nold, Markus Stecker, Lea Steinert, József Fortágh, and Andreas Günther
11:15 |
Q 8.3 |
Free-Space Quantum Electrodynamics with Rydberg Superatoms — •Simon Ball, Christoph Tresp, Nina Stiesdal, Asaf Paris-Manodki, Jan Kumlin, Philipp Lunt, Christoph Braun, Hans Peter Büchler, and Sebastian Hofferberth
11:30 |
Q 8.4 |
On-demand single-photon source based on thermal rubidium — •Fabian Ripka, Florian Christaller, Hao Zhang, Harald Kübler, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
11:45 |
Q 8.5 |
Imaging nonlocal photon interactions in a cold Rydberg gas — •Annika Tebben, Valentin Walther, Renato Ferracini Alves, Yongchang Zhang, Andre Salzinger, Clement Hainaut, Nithiwadee Thaicharoen, Gerhard Zürn, Thomas Pohl, and Matthias Weidemüller
12:00 |
Q 8.6 |
Emergent universal dynamics for an atomic cloud coupled to an optical waveguide — •Jan Kumlin, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Hans Peter Büchler