Erlangen 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 9: Cold atoms II - interactions (joint session A/Q)
Montag, 5. März 2018, 10:30–12:00, K 2.019
10:30 |
Q 9.1 |
Dimensional Crossover for the Beyond-Mean-Field Corrections in the Weakly Interacting Bose Gas — •Tobias Ilg, Jan Kumlin, and Hans Peter Büchler
10:45 |
Q 9.2 |
Time-dependent variational Monte Carlo method for interacting Bosons in continuous space — •Markus Holzmann
11:00 |
Q 9.3 |
Commensurate-Incommensurate Transition in Optical Cavities — •Andreas Alexander Buchheit, Haggai Landa, Cecilia Cormick, Thomas Fogarty, Eugene Demler, and Giovanna Morigi
11:15 |
Q 9.4 |
Observation of the Higgs mode in a strongly interacting fermionic superfluid — •Martin Link, Alexandra Behrle, Timothy Harrison, Johannes Kombe, Kuiyi Gao, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Corinna Kollath, and Michael Köhl
11:30 |
Q 9.5 |
Breaking of SU(4) symmetry and interplay between strongly correlated phases in the Hubbard model — •Agnieszka Cichy and Andrii Sotnikov
11:45 |
Q 9.6 |
Polaron physics with ultracold atoms and beyond — •Richard Schmidt