16:15 |
UP 9.1 |
Berechnung von Aerosolparametern aus Lidarmessungen der Alomar Station — •Jacob Zalach, Christian von Savigny, Arvid Brand, Gerd Baumgarten und Franz Josef Lübken
16:15 |
UP 9.2 |
Argon purification system for 39Ar measurements with Argon Trap Trace Analysis (ArTTA) — •Viola Rädle, Philip Hopkins, Arne Kersting, Maximilian Schmidt, Lisa Ringena, Zhongyi Feng, Emeline Mathouchanh, Sven Ebser, Markus K. Oberthaler, Werner Aeschbach, and Stefan Beyersdorfer
16:15 |
UP 9.3 |
MAX-DOAS measurements of African continental pollution outflow over the Atlantic Ocean — •Lisa K. Behrens, Hilboll Andreas, Peters Enno, Richter Andreas, Alvarado Leonardo, Wittrock Folkard, Burrows John P., and Vrekoussis Mihalis
16:15 |
UP 9.4 |
Measurements of ship emissions of NO2 and SO2 using LP-DOAS near Hamburg harbour, Germany — •Stefan Schmitt, Andreas Weigelt, Barbara Mathieu-Üffing, Lisa Kattner, André Seyler, Folkard Wittrock, Johannes Lampel, Denis Pöhler, and Ulrich Platt
16:15 |
UP 9.5 |
What can we learn from polarised MAX-DOAS measurements? — Andrés G. Bernal Samacá, •Andreas Richter, André Seyler, Vladimir Rozanov, and John P. Burrows
16:15 |
UP 9.6 |
Optimierung optischer Kalibrierungsmethoden für Resonatoren zur Spurengasmessung — •Sebastian Sontag, Johannes Lampel, Denis Pöhler, Henning Finkenzeller, Miriam Reh und Ulrich Platt
16:15 |
UP 9.7 |
Detektion leuchtender Nachtwolken in GOME-2 Satelliten Messungen — •Julia Koch, Martin Langowski und Christian von Savigny
16:15 |
UP 9.8 |
The formation of ice in noctilucent clouds — Mario Nachbar, Denis Duft, and •Thomas Leisner
16:15 |
UP 9.9 |
Ice nucleation on mesospheric nanoparticles: the first three monolayers — Mario Nachbar, Denis Duft, •Thomas Dresch, and Thomas Leisner