Mon, 16:00–18:00 |
NW-Bau - HS4 |
AKBP 1: Particle Sources and Electron Accelerators |
Mon, 16:00–18:00 |
NW-Bau - HS2 |
AKBP 2: New Accelerator Concepts |
Mon, 16:00–18:00 |
NW-Bau - HS5 |
AKBP 3: Beam Dynamics |
Tue, 16:30–18:30 |
NW-Bau - HS4 |
AKBP 4: Diagnostics, Control and Instrumentation |
Tue, 16:30–18:30 |
NW-Bau - HS2 |
AKBP 5: New Accelerator Concepts II |
Tue, 16:30–18:30 |
NW-Bau - HS5 |
AKBP 6: Synchrotron Radiation Sources (SR and FEL) |
Wed, 16:30–18:00 |
NW-Bau - HS2 |
AKBP 7: Bestowal of Prizes |
Wed, 18:00–19:30 |
NW-Bau - HS2 |
AKBP 8: Poster session |
Thu, 16:30–18:30 |
NW-Bau - HS4 |
AKBP 9: Diagnostics, Control and Instrumentation II |
Thu, 16:30–18:30 |
NW-Bau - HS2 |
AKBP 10: New Accelerator Concepts and Radiofrequency |
Thu, 16:30–18:15 |
NW-Bau - HS5 |
AKBP 11: Synchrotron Radiation Sources, Hadron Accelerators and Colliders |
Thu, 19:30–21:00 |
NW-Bau - HS2 |
AKBP 12: General Assembly of the Working Group on Accelerator Physics |