Würzburg 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
GR 6: Relativistic astrophysics II
Mittwoch, 21. März 2018, 14:00–16:00, NW-Bau - HS3
14:00 |
GR 6.1 |
Accretion disks around compact objects with mass quadrupole — •Claus Lämmerzahl
14:20 |
GR 6.2 |
Geometrically thick fluid tori parametrisations — •Pavel Jefremov and Vojtěch Witzany
14:40 |
GR 6.3 |
The exact propagation delay in pulsar timing — Arnab Dhani and •Eva Hackmann
15:00 |
GR 6.4 |
Equilibrium of a charged perfect fluid around a Kerr black hole in a dipole magnetic test field: Role of the spin — •Kris Schroven, Audrey Trova, Eva Hackmann, and Claus Lämmerzahl
15:20 |
GR 6.5 |
Equilibrium of charged perfect fluid around a Kerr black hole: role of the spin — •Audrey Trova, Kris Schroven, Jiří Kovář, Petr Slaný, Vladimir Karas, and Eva Hackmann
15:40 |
GR 6.6 |
Fermi LAT limit on evaporation of individual primordial black holes — •Dmitry Malyshev, Christian Johnson, Steven Ritz, and Stefan Funk