16:00 |
T 10.1 |
Absorbing corrections due to supersymmetric particles to Higgs couplings in effective parameters in the decay H → hh — •Max Stadelmaier, Margarete Mühlleitner, Michael Spira, and Stefan Liebler
16:15 |
T 10.2 |
Searching for new light higgs bosons at the ILC — •Yan Wang and Jenny List
16:30 |
T 10.3 |
Search for heavy Higgs bosons in the H→τhadτhad channel with the ATLAS detector — •Lino Gerlach, Michel Janus, and Stan Lai
16:45 |
T 10.4 |
Search for additional Higgs bosons in WW final states with CMS — David Brunner, Jordy Degens, Peter Fackeldey, Olena Hlushchenko, Wolfgang Lohmann, Johannes Merz, Thomas Müller, Alexander Nehrkorn, Claudia Pistone, •Dennis Roy, Hale Sert, Achim Stahl, and Dominik Wolfschläger
17:00 |
T 10.5 |
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the γγ WW* final state with a boosted topology using ATLAS data — •Kira Abeling, Joshua Beirer, Jason Veatch, and Stan Lai
17:15 |
T 10.6 |
Interference modelling of the heavy Higgs boson decaying into tt final states at the ATLAS experiment — Katharina Behr, •Yu-Heng Chen, Klaus Mönig, and Jike Wang
17:30 |
T 10.7 |
Combination of di-Higgs searches using 13 TeV data collected by the ATLAS detector — •Florian Beisiegel, Alessandra Betti, Jochen Dingfelder, Tatjana Lenz, Alexander Melzer, and Norbert Wermes
17:45 |
T 10.8 |
Extension of searches for additional MSSM Higgs boson with the CMS experiment towards the NMSSM — Roger Wolf, René Caspart, •Irina Fateeva, and Günter Quast
18:00 |
T 10.9 |
Search for heavy Higgs resonances in the boosted H → hh → WWττ → 1 lepton + jets channel — •Nils Gillwald, Jason Veatch, and Stan Lai
18:15 |
T 10.10 |
Probing CP Properties of the Higgs boson with Higgs signal rates from Tevatron and LHC data — •Tobias Klingl, Philip Bechtle, Tim Stefaniak, Sven Heinemeyer, Georg Weiglein, and Daniel Dercks