16:30 |
T 57.1 |
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the b b τ+ τ− fully hadronic final state at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector — •Alessandra Betti, Florian Beisiegel, Tatjana Lenz, Alexander Melzer, and Norbert Wermes
16:45 |
T 57.2 |
Evidence for the associated production of the Higgs boson and a top quark pair with the ATLAS detector: same-charge lepton pair plus tau channel — •Andre Sopczak, Babar Ali, Simonetta Gentile, and Marine Kuna
17:00 |
T 57.3 |
Measuring the branching ratio of h → µ + µ − at the International Linear Collider — •Shin-ichi Kawada, Jenny List, and Mikael Berggren
17:15 |
T 57.4 |
Search for dimuon Higgs decays in the SM — Adrian Perieanu, •Oliver Rieger, and Peter Schleper
17:30 |
T 57.5 |
Measurement of Higgs CP properties in fermionic couplings with the CMS Detector — David Brunner, Jordy Degens, Peter Fackeldey, Olena Hlushchenko, Wolfgang Lohmann, Johannes Merz, Thomas Müller, Alexander Nehrkorn, Claudia Pistone, Dennis Roy, Hale Sert, Achim Stahl, and •Dominik Wolfschläger
17:45 |
T 57.6 |
Test of CP Invariance in vector-boson fusion production of the Higgs boson using the Optimal Observable method in the decay H → τlτh with the ATLAS detector at √s = 13 TeV — Elias Coniavitis, •Dirk Sammel, and Markus Schumacher
18:00 |
T 57.7 |
Test of CP invariance in vector-boson fusion production of the Higgs boson in H→τlepτlep decays at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector — Elias Coniavitis, •Alena Lösle, Ulrike Schnoor, and Markus Schumacher
18:15 |
T 57.8 |
Search for lepton-flavour violating decays of the Higgs-boson using the asymmetry method with the ATLAS experiment at √s=13 TeV — •Katharina Schleicher, Duc Bao Ta, and Markus Schumacher
18:30 |
T 57.9 |
Messung der Higgs–Gluon–Tensorkopplung in Zerfällen H → ZZ* → 4ℓ mit dem ATLAS–Detektor — •Maxim Sinner, Katharina Ecker, Oliver Kortner, Sandra Kortner, Hubert Kroha und Verena Walbrecht
18:45 |
T 57.10 |
Messung der HZZ-Tensor-Kopplung in pp → H → ZZ* → 4 ℓ - Zerfällen mit dem ATLAS-Detektor — •Verena Walbrecht, Katharina Ecker, Maxim Sinner, Sandra Kortner, Oliver Kortner und Hubert Kroha