Würzburg 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 58: Top-Quarks: Eigenschaften II
Mittwoch, 21. März 2018, 16:30–18:35, Z6 - SR 1.002
16:30 |
T 58.1 |
Studien zur Klassifikation von Photonen im Prozess der Produktion von Top-Quark-Paaren in Assoziation mit einem Photon — •Andreas Kirchhoff, Thomas Peiffer, Arnulf Quadt, Elizaveta Shabalina, Joshua Wyatt Smith, Royer Edson Ticse Torres und Knut Zoch
16:45 |
T 58.2 |
Constraining dimension-six effective operators through the combination of top quark measurements using EFTfitter — •Cornelius Grunwald, Johannes Erdmann, and Kevin Kröninger
17:00 |
T 58.3 |
Probing the ttγ process at √s = 13 TeV with ATLAS using object and event based neural networks — Andreas Kirchhoff, Thomas Peiffer, Arnulf Quadt, Elizaveta Shabalina, •Joshua Wyatt Smith, Royer Edson Ticse Torres, and Knut Zoch
17:15 |
T 58.4 |
Determination of the top-quark mass and the strong coupling constant using tt events with the CMS experiment at 13 TeV — Till Arndt, •Matteo Defranchis, Jan Kieseler, Katerina Lipka, and Andreas Meyer
17:35 |
T 58.5 |
Precision measurement of W helicity fractions from top-quark decays in √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector — Thomas Peiffer, •Ishan Pokharel, Arnulf Quadt, Elizaveta Shabalina, and Royer Ticse Torres
17:50 |
T 58.6 |
Studien zur Ereignisselektion mit maschinellem Lernen zur Verbesserung der tt-Rekonstruktion mit dem KLFitter-Algorithmus — •Stella Oppermann, Johannes Erdmann, Olaf Nackenhorst und Kevin Kröninger
18:05 |
T 58.7 |
Search for charged lepton flavour violation in top quark decays — Julien Caudron, Markus Cristinziani, Mazuza Ghneimat, •Carlo A. Gottardo, Sebastian Heer, Vadim Kostyukhin, Ö. Oğul Öncel, Arshia Ruina, and Andrea Sciandra
18:20 |
T 58.8 |
Constraints on EFT operators through a measurement of top pair spin density matrix in the dileptonic channel by the CMS experiment — •Afiq Anuar, Kelly Beernaert, Alexander Grohsjean, Gerrit Van Onsem, and Christian Schwanenberger