Würzburg 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 62: Myondetektoren
Mittwoch, 21. März 2018, 16:30–18:35, Z6 - SR 2.002
16:30 |
T 62.1 |
CMS muon chambers - status and upgrade — Thomas Hebbeker, Carsten Heidemann, Kerstin Hoepfner, Markus Merschmeyer, and •Daniel Teyssier
16:50 |
T 62.2 |
CMS DT muon chambers upgrade — •Carsten Heidemann, Thomas Hebbeker, Markus Merschmeyer, and Daniel Teyssier
17:05 |
T 62.3 |
Bau von small-diameter Muon Drift Tube (sMDT)-Kammern für das ATLAS-Myonspektrometer — •Verena Walbrecht, Korbinian Schmidt-Sommerfeld, Patrick Rieck, Oliver Kortner und Hubert Kroha
17:20 |
T 62.4 |
High rate studies of the ATLAS MDT chambers in LHC Run-2 — •Nicolas Köhler, Oliver Kortner, Hubert Kroha, and Robert Richter
17:35 |
T 62.5 |
Quality control of GEM detectors for the Upgrade of the CMS Muon Forward system — •Giovanni Mocellin, Henning Keller, Kerstin Hoepfner, and Thomas Hebbeker
17:50 |
T 62.6 |
Effects of humidity on the gas gain in MicroMegas detectors — •Thorwald Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Stephanie Zimmermann, and Ulrich Landgraf
18:05 |
T 62.7 |
Measurement of Position Inaccuracies in Large Micromegas Chambers — •Patrick Scholer, Ulrich Landgraf, and Stefanie Zimmermann
18:20 |
T 62.8 |
Investigation of square meter sized Micromegas Quadruplets with Cosmic Muons — •Maximilian Herrmann, Otmar Biebel, Bernhard Flierl, Ralf Hertenberger, Felix Klitzner, Philipp Lösel, Ralph Müller, and Chrysostomos Valderanis