Würzburg 2018 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 76: Suche nach Physik jenseits des Standardmodels IV
Donnerstag, 22. März 2018, 16:30–19:00, Philo-HS4
16:30 |
T 76.1 |
Search for new physics in events with one lepton and high missing transverse energy with the ATLAS detector — •Eike Becher and Stefan Tapprogge
16:45 |
T 76.2 |
Analysis of high mass lepton flavour violating processes with CMS — •Aaron Hornschild, Thomas Hebbeker, Sören Erdweg, Arnd Meyer, and Swagata Mukherjee
17:00 |
T 76.3 |
Unfolding of control regions in the search for lepto-quarks using the 2015 and 2016 datasets from ATLAS — •Alexander Sydorenko
17:15 |
T 76.4 |
Search for singly produced lepto-quarks decaying into a quark and a charged lepton of the first or second generation with ATLAS — •Holger Herr and Stefan Tapprogge
17:30 |
T 76.5 |
Search for pair-produced first and second generation scalar leptoquarks in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC — Stefan Tapprogge and •Anton Wolf
17:45 |
T 76.6 |
Searches for pair production of leptoquarks in top quark final states at the CMS experiment. — Johannes Haller, Roman Kogler, •Arne Christoph Reimers, and Marc Stöver
18:00 |
T 76.7 |
Suche nach skalaren Leptoquarks der dritten Generation am ATLAS Experiment — Daniela Börner, Frank Ellinghaus, Jan Küchler und •Jens Roggel
18:15 |
T 76.8 |
Reinterpretation of the ATLAS search for stop quarks decaying through tau sleptons as a search for 3rd generation leptoquarks — Alexander Mann and •Alexander Mario Lory
18:30 |
T 76.9 |
Flavorful Leptoquarks at Hadron Colliders — •Dennis Loose
18:45 |
T 76.10 |
Diskriminierung von Quark- und Gluonjets mit dem ATLAS-Detektor — •Johannes Balz, Katharina Bierwagen, Volker Büscher, Andreas Reiß, Jan Schäffer und Christian Schmitt