Aachen 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
AKPIK 2: Machine-learning methods and computing in particle physics
Dienstag, 26. März 2019, 16:00–17:50, H10
16:00 |
AKPIK 2.1 |
Pixel detector background simulation using generative adversarial networks at Belle II — •Matej Srebre
16:10 |
AKPIK 2.2 |
Photon position reconstruction using Machine Learning with the Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter — •Yu Hu
16:20 |
AKPIK 2.3 |
Analysis of GERDA detector surface events with deep learning algorithms — •Péter Kicsiny for the GERDA collaboration
16:30 |
AKPIK 2.4 |
Learning to rank Higgs-Boson candidates — Lukas Pensel, Alexander Segner, •Marius Köppel, Martin Wagener, Andreas Karwath, Christian Schmitt, and Stefan Kramer
16:40 |
AKPIK 2.5 |
Refining the EXO-200 detector simulation using GANs — •Federico Bontempo, Johannes Link, Tobias Ziegler, Gisela Anton, and Thilo Michel
16:50 |
AKPIK 2.6 |
Event reconstruction in EXO-200 using Deep Learning — •Johannes Link, Federico Bontempo, Tobias Ziegler, Gisela Anton, and Thilo Michel
17:00 |
AKPIK 2.7 |
Circuit Synthesis of the Kuramoto Model and Electrical Interpretation of its Synchronization Condition — Karlheinz Ochs, •Dennis Michaelis, Julian Roggendorf, Petro Feketa, Alexander Schaum, and Thomas Meuerer
17:10 |
AKPIK 2.8 |
HfO2-based Memristive Navigation Processor — Karlheinz Ochs, •Enver Solan, Dennis Michaelis, and Leonard Hilgers
17:20 |
AKPIK 2.9 |
Universal Self-Organizing Logic Gates: A Wave Digital Emulation — Karlheinz Ochs, •Enver Solan, Dennis Michaelis, and Leon Schmitz
17:30 |
AKPIK 2.10 |
Solving the Np-complete Subset Sum Problem with an Electrical Circuit Using Physical Memristor Models — Karlheinz Ochs, Enver Solan, •Dennis Michaelis, and Maximilian Herbrechter
17:40 |
AKPIK 2.11 |
Was ist Geometrische Algebra? Auf dem Weg zu einer modernen Mathematikausbildung in der Ingenieurinformatik — •Martin Erik Horn