Aachen 2019 –
scientific programme
T 17: Kalorimeter
Monday, March 25, 2019, 16:00–18:30, ST 1
16:00 |
T 17.1 |
Analyse von Elektronenschauern in einem hadronischen Kalorimeter-Prototypen für einen zukünftigen Linearbeschleuniger — •Anna Rosmanitz für die CALICE-D Kollaboration
16:15 |
T 17.2 |
Study of High Resolution, DOI-Capable Gamma Detectors — •Federica Demattè, Thomas Dey, Pierre Gebhardt, Nicolas Gross-Weege, Florian Müller, David Schug, Björn Weissler, Laiyin Yin, and Volkmar Schulz
16:30 |
T 17.3 |
Evaluation of Scintillator Tiles and SiPMs for highly granular Calorimeters — •Malinda de Silva, Frank Simon, and Marco Szalay
16:45 |
T 17.4 |
Muon simulation studies of the CALICE AHCAL 2018 Technological Prototype test beam data — •Saiva Huck for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:00 |
T 17.5 |
Energy Calibration and First Results of the CERN 2018 Test Beams of the Large AHCAL Technological Prototype — •Daniel Heuchel for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:15 |
T 17.6 |
Particle identification methods for the CALICE highly granular SiPM-on tile calorimeter. — •Vladimir Bocharnikov for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:30 |
T 17.7 |
Advanced Hadronic Energy Reconstruction in the CALICE AHCAL Technological Prototype — •Christian Graf for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:45 |
T 17.8 |
Gain Calibration and SiPM Saturation studies with the CALICE AHCAL — •Olin Lyod Pinto for the CALICE-D collaboration
18:00 |
T 17.9 |
Tile assembly and calibration of CALICE AHCAL technological prototype and tests of Megatile prototypes — •Phi Chau and Sebastian Ritter for the CALICE-D collaboration
18:15 |
T 17.10 |
Energy resolution of the AHCAL and comparison of electron data with simulation. — •Amine Elkhalii for the CALICE-D collaboration