
Aachen 2019 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 32: Neutrinophysik II

T 32.6: Talk

Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 17:35–17:50, H11

Double beta decay of Ge-76 into excited states of Se-76 in Gerda — •Birgit Schneider and Thomas Wester for the GERDA collaboration — TU Dresden, Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik

Gerda is an experiment searching for the neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay of 76Ge. The observation of such a decay would prove the Majorana character of the neutrino, i.e. that it is its own antiparticle. This could shed light upon the neutrino mass ordering realized in nature as well as the effective Majorana neutrino mass.

The half life of the neutrino accompanied double beta (2νββ) decay from the 0+ ground state of 76Ge into the 0+ ground state of 76Se has been measured by Gerda with unprecedented precision. Furthermore, 76Ge can decay into excited states of 76Se, though these transitions are phase space suppressed. Theoretical calculations predict the half lives of these decays, but the results vary by several orders of magnitude due to different nuclear models and their internal parameters. The observation of the 2νββ decay of 76Ge into excited states could constrain these models and decrease their uncertainties. Moreover, models of the 0νββ decay, that rely on similar assumptions, would be improved.

The excited states analysis of the Gerda data is performed by counting coincident events within the Germanium detector array and optimized with the help of Monte Carlo simulations. The talk will present the analysis technique and preliminary results of the current Gerda Phase II data.

This project is partially funded by BMBF.

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