T 65: Experimentelle Methoden II
Mittwoch, 27. März 2019, 16:00–18:30, S01
16:00 |
T 65.1 |
Performance of the ATLAS- Muon spectrometer in Run-II — •Johannes Junggeburth, Hubert Kroha, Nicolas Koehler und Maximilian Goblirsch-Kolb
16:15 |
T 65.2 |
Tau Trigger Efficiency Measurements using Z → τ τ Events at ATLAS — •Kieran Amos, Serhat Ördek, Michel Janus, and Stan Lai
16:30 |
T 65.3 |
Particle Flow jets in the H→ ZZ* → 4ℓ analysis at ATLAS for optimizing kinematical reconstructio — •Tobias Klingl, Philip Bechtle, and Klaus Desch
16:45 |
T 65.4 |
Identification of hadronically decaying tau leptons in CMS and determination of their energy corrections — Jordy Degens, Günter Flügge, •Olena Hlushchenko, Wolfgang Lohmann, Thomas Müller, Dennis Roy, Hale Sert, Achim Stahl, and Alexander Zots
17:00 |
T 65.5 |
Calibration of the measured pTmiss recoil of CMS using MVA regression techniques — Artur Gottmann, Tanja Kopf, Günter Quast, Roger Wolf, and •Stefan Wunsch
17:15 |
T 65.6 |
Bremsstrahlung finding at Belle II — Florian Bernlochner, Nils Braun, •Patrick Ecker, Torben Ferber, and Thomas Hauth
17:30 |
T 65.7 |
Track propagation for different detector and magnetic field setups in Acts — •Fabian Klimpel, Andreas Salzburger, and Stefan Kluth
17:45 |
T 65.8 |
Measuring the Jet Energy Resolution with the Bisector Method in ATLAS — •Tanja Holm and Ian C. Brock
18:00 |
T 65.9 |
Studies for the calibration of a strange tagger in ATLAS using full Run-2 data — Johannes Erdmann, •Egor Evsenin-Gutschank, Kevin Kröninger, and Sonja Zeißner
18:15 |
T 65.10 |
Reconstruction of heavy flavour jets for Higgs physics at future e+e− colliders — •Yasser Radkhorrami and Jenny List