Freiburg 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
FM 12: Quantum Sensing: Hardware Platforms
Montag, 23. September 2019, 14:00–16:00, 2006
14:00 |
FM 12.1 |
Invited Talk:
Quantum sensors with matter waves: geodesy, navigation and general relativity — •Philippe Bouyer
14:30 |
FM 12.2 |
Quantum Technology projects: a main pillar within the German space physical sciences program — •Thomas Driebe
14:45 |
FM 12.3 |
Fabrication of diamond AFM tips and nanopillars as hardware platforms for quantum sensing and memory — •Alexander Schmidt, Johann P. Reithmaier, and Cyril Popov
15:00 |
FM 12.4 |
Quantum sensing with ultracold atomic collisions — •Krzysztof Jachymski, Tomasz Wasak, Antonio Negretti, and Tommaso Calarco
15:15 |
FM 12.5 |
Stable optical and vacuum systems for quantum technology applications in space — •Moritz Mihm, Sören Boles, Jean Pierre Marburger, André Wenzlawski, Ortwin Hellmig, Patrick Windpassinger, and the MAIUS Team
15:30 |
FM 12.6 |
Testing Foundations of Quantum Mechanics with a Waveguide Interferometer — •Sebastian Gstir, Robert Keil, Thomas Kauten, Toni Eichelkraut, Alexander Szameit, and Gregor Weihs
15:45 |
FM 12.7 |
An optical dipole trap as a source of ultracold atoms in microgravity; the PRIMUS project — •Christian Vogt, Marian Woltmann, Sven Herrmann, and the PRIMUS Team